The current live instance of DBpedia has just received dose #1 of a series of planned "Context" oriented booster shots. These shots seek to to protect DBpedia from contextual incoherence as it grows in data set expanse and popularity. Dose #1 (vaccine label: Yago) equips DBpedia with a functional (albeit non exclusive) Data Dictionary component courtesy of the Yago Class Hierarchy .
When the DBpedia & Yago integration took place last year (around WWW2007, Banff) there was a little, but costly omission that occurred: nobody sought to load the Yago Class Hierarchy into the Virtuoso's Inference Engine :-(
Anyway, the Class Hierarchy has now been loaded into the Virtuoso's inference engine (as Virtuoso Inference Rules) and the following queries are now feasible using the live Virtuoso based DBpedia instance hosted by OpenLink Software:
-- Find all Fiction Books associated with a property "dbpedia:name" that has literal value: "The Lord of the Rings" .
DEFINE input:inference ""
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
PREFIX yago: <>
FROM < xmlns="http""">//>
?s a yago:Fiction106367107 .
?s dbpedia:name "The Lord of the Rings"@en .
-- Variant of query with Virtuoso's Full Text Index extension via the bif:contains function/magic predicate
DEFINE input:inference ""
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
PREFIX yago: <>
FROM < xmlns="http""">//>
?s a yago:Fiction106367107 .
?s dbpedia:name ?n .
?n bif:contains 'Lord and Rings'
-- Retrieve all individuals instances of Fiction Class which should include all Books.
DEFINE input:inference ""
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
PREFIX yago: <>
FROM < xmlns="http""">//>
?s a yago:Fiction106367107 .
} LIMIT 50
Note: you can also move the inference pragmas to the Virtuoso Sever side i.e place the inference rules in a server instance config file, thereby negating the need to place "define input:inference ''" pragmas directly in your SPARQL queries.