Spivack provides poignant insights into the recent Web 2.0 vs
Web 3.0 brouhaha which I've excerpted below:
Web Me2.0 -- Exploding the Myth of Web 2.0:
"Many people have told me this week that they think 'Web 2.0'
has not been very impressive so far and that they really hope for a
next-generation of the Web with some more significant innovation
under the hood -- regardless of what it's called. A lot of people
found the Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco to be underwhelming
-- there was a lot of self-congratulation by the top few brands and
the companies they have recently bought, but not much else
happening. Where was all the innovation? Where was the focus on
what's next? It seemed to be a conference mainly about what
happened in the last year, not about what will happen in the coming
year. But what happened last year is already so 'last year.' And
frankly Web 2.0 still leaves a lot to be desired. The reason Tim
Berners-Lee proposed the Semantic Web in the first place is that it
will finally deliver on the real potential and vision of the Web.
Not that today's Web 2.0 sucks completely -- it only sort of sucks.
It's definitely useful and there are some nice bells and whistles
we didn't have before. But it could still suck so much less!"
Web 2.0 is a (not was) a piece of the overall Web puzzle. The
Data Web (so called Web 3.0) is another critical piece of this
puzzle, especially as it provides the foundation layer (Layer 1) of
the Semantic Web.
Web 2.0 was never about "Open Data Access", "Flexible Data
Models", or "Open World" meshing of disparate data sources built
atop disparate data schemas (see: Web 2.0's Open
Data Access Conundrum). It was simply about "Execution and
APIs". I already written about "Web Interaction Dimensions", but
you call also look at the relationship of the currently perceived
dimensions through the M-V-C programming pattern:
- Viewer (V) - Web 1.0 (Interaction, Dimension 1 -
- Controller (C) - Web 2.0 (Services, Dimension 2 - Services-Web
which is about Execution & Application Logic; SOA
outside/in-front-of the Firewall for Enterprise 2.0 crowd)
- Model (M) - Web 3.0 (Data, Dimension 3 - Data-Web which is
about data model dexterity and open data access)
Another point to note, Social Networking is hot, but nearly
every social network that I know (and I know and use most of them)
suffers from an impedance mismatch between the service(s) they
provide (social networks) and their underlying data models (in many
cases Relational as opposed to Graph). Networks are about
Relationships (N-ary) and your cannot effectively exploit the deep
potential of: "Network Effects" (Wisdom of Crowds, Viral Marketing
etc..) without a complimentary data model, you simply can't.
Finally, the Data Web is already here, I promised a long time
ago (Internet Time) that the manifestation of the Semantic Web
would occur unobtrusively, meaning, we will wake up one day and
realize we are using critical portions of the Semantic Web (i.e.
Data-Web) without even knowing it. Guess what? It's already
happening. Simple case in point, you may have started to notice the
emergence of SIOC gems in
the same way you may have observed those RSS 2.0 gems at the dawn
of Web 2.0. What I am implying here is that the real question we
should be asking is: Where is the Semantic Web Data? And how easy
or difficult will it be to generate? And where are the tools? My
answers are presented below:
- -
Semantic Web Data Source Lookup & Tracking Service
Swoogle - Semantic Web
Ontology Location Service
Semantic Web
Solutions for Generating RDF Data from SQL Data
Semantic Web
Solutions Directory
SIOC Project -
Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities Ontology, a grassroots
effort that provides a critical bridge between Web 2.0 and the
Data-Web. For instance, existing Web 2.0 application profiles such
as; Blogs, Wikis, Feed Aggregators, Content Managers, Discussion
Forums etc.. are much closer to the Data-Web than you may think
Virtuoso - our
Server for the Data-Web
Data Spaces (ODS) - our SIOC based platform for transparent
incorporation of the Data-Web into Web 1.0 and Web 2.0
Next stop, less writing, more demos, these are long overdue! At
least from my side of the fence :-) I need to produce a little
step-by-guide oriented screencasts that demonstrates how Web 2.0
meshes nicely with the Data-Web.
Here are some (not so end-user friendly) examples of how you can
(Data-Web's Query Language) to query Web 2.0 Instance Data
projected through the SIOC Ontology:
Weblog Data Query
Wiki Data Query
Aggregated Feeds Data Query - (RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, Atom etc)
Shared Bookmarks Data Space
Web Filesystem Data Query - (Briefcase - Virtual Spotlight of
Photo Gallery Data Query (this could be data from Flickr
Discussion Data Query (e.g. Blog posts comments)
Data Queries across different Data Spaces - combining data from
Wikis, Blogs, Feeds, Photos, Bookmarks, Discussions etc..
Note: You can use the online SPARQL Query Interface at:
Other Data-Web Technology usage demos include:
TimBL's Tabulator
- A Data-Web Browser
Semantic Web Client Library - RDF Data Drill Down Demos
using SPARQL
Semantic Radar -
A Firefox plug-in for auto-discovering SIOC Instance Data
Talk Digger - SIOC
based Web Conversation Tracker