(Via Read/Write Web.)

Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services: "



As more and more of the Web is becoming remixable, the entire system is turning into both a platform and the database. Yet, such transformations are never smooth. For one, scalability is a big issue. And of course legal aspects are never simple.'

But it is not a question of if web sites become web services, but when and how. APIs are a more controlled, cleaner and altogether preferred way of becoming a web service. However, when APIs are not avaliable or sufficient, scraping is bound to continue and expand. As always, time will be best judge; but in the meanwhile we turn to you for feedback and stories about how your businesses are preparing for 'web 3.0'.

We are hitting a little problem re. Web 3.0 and Web 2.0, naturally :-) Web 2.0 is one of several (present and future) Dimensions of Web Interaction that turns Web Sites into Web Services Endpoints; a point I've made repeatedly [1] [2] [3] [4] across the blogosphere, in addition to my early futile attempts to make the Wikipedia's Web 2.0 article meaningful (circa 2005), as per the Wikipedia Web 2.0 Talk Page excerpt below:

Web 2.0 is a web of executable endpoints and well formed content. The executable endpoints and well formed content are accessible via URIs. Put differently, Web 2.0 is a web defined by URIs for invoking Web Services and/or consuming or syndicating well formed content.

Hopefully, someone with more time on their hands will expand on this ( I am kinda busy)


BTW - Web 2.0 being a platform doesn't distinguish it in anyway from Web 1.0. They are both platforms, the difference comes down to platform focus and mode of experience.

Web 3.0 is about Data Spaces: Points of Semantic Web Presence that provide granular access to Data, Information, and Knowledge via Conceptual Data Model oriented Query Languages and/or APIs.

The common denominator across all the current and future Web Interaction Dimensions is HTTP. While their differences are as follows:

Web 1.0 - Browser (HTTP + (X)HTML)
Web 2.0 - Presence (Web Service Endpoints for REST or SOAP over HTTP)
Web 3.0 - Presence (Query Languages, Data Models, and HTTP based Query Oriented Web Service Endpoints)

Examples of Web 3.0 Infrastructure:

  1. Query Languages: SPARQL, Googlebase Query Language, Facebook Query Language (FQL), and many others to come
  2. Query Language aligned Web Services (Query Services): SPARQL Protocol, GData, or REST style Web services such as Facebook's service for FQL.
  3. Data Models: Concrete Conceptual Data Model (which RDF happens to deliver for Web Data)

Web 3.0 is not purely about Web Sites becoming Web Services endpoints. It is about the "M" (Data Model) taking it's place in the MVC pattern as applied to the Web Platform.

I will repeat myself yet again:

The Devil is in the Details of the Data Model. Data Models make or break everything. You ignore data at your own peril. No amount of money in the bank will protect you from Data Ignorance! A bad Data Model will bring down any venture or enterprise, the only variable is time (where time is directly related to your increasing need to obtain, analyze, and then act on data, over repetitive operational cycles, that have ever decreasing intervals).

This applies to the Real-time enterprise of Information and/or knowledge workers and Real-time Web Users alike.

BTW - Data Makes Shifts Happen (spotter: Sam Sethi).