After listening to the latest Semantic Web Gang podcast, I found
myself agreeing with some of the points made by Alex
Iskold, specifically:
-- Business exploitation of
Linked Data on the
Web will certainly
be driven by the correlation of opportunity costs (which is more
than likely what Alex meant by "use cases") associated with the
lack of URIs originating from the domain of a given business (Tom
Heath: also effectively alluded to this via his
BBC and
URI land grab anecdotes; same applies
Georgi's examples)
-- History is a great tutor, answers
to many of today's problems always lie somewhere in plain sight of
the past.
Of course, I also believe that Linked Data serves
Web Data Integration across the Internet very well too, and the fact that it
will be beneficial to businesses in a big way. No individual or
organization is an island, I think the Internet and Web have done a good job of
demonstrating that thus far :-) We're all data nodes in a Giant Global Graph.
Daniel lewis did shed light on the read-write
aspects of the Linked Data Web, which is actually very close to the
callout for a Wikipedia for Data. TimBL has been working on this via Tabulator (see Tabulator Editing Screencast), Bengamin Nowack
also added similar functionality to ARC, and of course
we support the same SPARQL UPDATE into an RDF information resource via the RDF Sink feature of our WebDAV and ODS-Briefcase implementations.