I've just read a really nice post by Henry Story titled: Are OO Languages Autistic?

In typical style, Henry walks you through his point of view using simple but powerful illustrations. Here is a key statement in his post that really struck me:

"In order to be able to have a mental theory one needs to be able to understand that other people may have a different view of the world. On a narrow three dimensional understanding of 'view', this reveals itself in that people at different locations in a room will see different things. One person may be able to see a cat behind a tree that will be hidden to another. In some sense though these two views can easily be merged into a coherent description."

Opaque Web pages (e.g., generated by Semantic Technology inside offerings that will not expose or share data entity URIs), irrespective of how smart the underlying page generation and visualization technology may be, a fundamentally autistic and counter intuitive as we move toward a Web of Linked Data.

Preoccupation with the "V" aspect of the M-V-C trinity is inadvertently compounding and the problem of digital autism on the Web. Unbeknownst to the purveyors of data silos and proprietary service lock-in, digital autism on the Web ultimately implies Web business model autism.