What is Virtuoso+DBpedia AMI for EC2?

A pre-installed and fully tuned edition of Virtuoso that includes a fully configured DBpedia instance on Amazon's EC2 Cloud platform.


Generally, it provides a no hassles mechanism for instantiating personal, organization, or service specific instances of DBpedia within approximately 1.5 hours as opposed to a lengthy rebuild from RDF source data that takes between 8 - 22 hours depending on machine hardware configuration and host operating system resources.

From a Web Entrepreneur perspective it offers all of the generic benefits of a Virtuoso EC2 AMI plus the following:

  1. Instant bootstrap of a dense Lookup Hub for Linked Data Web oriented solutions
  2. No exposure to any of the complexities and nuances associated with deployment of dereferencable URIs (you have a DBpedia replica)
  3. Predictable performance and scalability due localization of query processing (you aren't sharing the public DBpedia server with the rest of the world).


  1. DBpedia public instance functionality replica (re. RDF and (X)HTML resource description representations & SPARQL endpoint)
  2. Local URI de-referencing (so no contention with public endpoint) as part of the Linked Data Deployment
  3. Fully tuned Virtuoso instance for DBpedia data set hosting.

How Do I Get Started?

Simply read the Virtuoso-DBpedia EC2 AMI installation guide.

Here are a few live examples of DBpedia resource URIs deployed and de-referencable via one of my EC2 based personal data spaces: