Thanks to the TechCrunch post titled: Ten Technologies That Will Rock 2010, I've been able to quickly construct a derivative post that condenses the ten item list down to a Single Technology That Will Rock 2010 :-)

Sticking with the TechCrunch layout, here is why all roads simply lead to Linked Data come 2010 and beyond:

  1. The Tablet: a new form factor addition re. Internet and Web application hosts which is just another way of saying: Linked Data will be accessible from Tablet applications.
  2. Geo: GPS chips are now standard features of mobile phones, so geolocation is increasingly becoming a necessary feature for any killer app. Thus, GeoSpatial Linked Data and GeopSpatial Queries are going to be a critical success factor for any endeavor that seeks to engage mobile applications developers and ultimately their end-users. Basiacally, you want to be able to perform Esoteric Search from these devices of the form: Find Vendors of a Camcorder (e.g., with a Zoom Factor: Weight Ratio of X) within a 2km Radius of my current location. Or how many items from my WishList are available from a Vendor within a 2km radius of my current location. Conversely, provide Vendors with the ability to spot potential Customers within a 2km of a given "clicks & mortar" location (e.g. BestBuy store).
  3. Realtime Search: Rich Structured Profiles that leverage standards such as FOAF and FOAF+SSL will enable Highly Personalized Realtime Search (HPRS) without compromisng privacy. Tecnically, this is about WebIDs securely bound to X.509 Certificates, providing access to verifiable and highly navigable Personal Profile Data Spaces that also double as personal search index entry points.
  4. Chrome OS: Just another operating system for exploiting the burgeoning Web of Linked Data
  5. HTML5: Courtesy of RDFa, just another mechanism for exposing Linked Data by making HTML+RDFa a bona fide markup for metadata (i.e., format for describing real world objects via their attribute-value graphs)
  6. Mobile Video: Simplifies the production and sharing of Video annotations (comments, reviews etc.) en route to creating rich Linked Discourse Data Spaces.
  7. Augmented Reality: Ditto
  8. Mobile Transactions: As per points 1&2 above, Vendor Discovery and Transaction Conusmation will increasingly be driven by high SDQ applications. The "Funnel Effect" (more choices based on individual preferences) will be a critical success factor for any one operating in the Mobile Transaction realm. Note, without Linked Data you cannot deliver scalable solutions that handle the combined requirements of: SDQ, "Funnel Effect", and Mobile Device form factor, will simply maginify the importance of Web accessible Linked Data.
  9. Android: An additional platform for items 1-8; basically, 2010 isn't going to be an iPhone only zone. Personally, this reminds me of a battle from the past i.e., Microsoft vs Apple, re. desktop computing dominance. Google has studied history very well :-)
  10. Social CRM: this is simply about applying points 1-9 alongide the construction of Linked Data from eCRM Data Spaces.

As I've stated in the past (across a variety of mediums), you cannot build applications that have long term value without addressing the following issues:

  1. Data Item or Object Identity
  2. Data Structure -- Data Models
  3. Data Representation -- Data Model Entity & Relationships Representation mechanism (as delivered by metadata oriented markup)
  4. Data Storage -- Database Management Systems
  5. Data Access -- Data Access Protocols
  6. Data Presentation -- How you present Views and Reports from Structured Data Sources
  7. Data Security -- Data Access Policies

The items above basically showcase the very essence of the HTTP URI abstraction that drives HTTP based Linked Data; which is also the basic payload unit that underlies REST.


I simply hope that the next decade marks a period of broad appreciation and comprehension of Data Access, Integration, and Management issues on the parts of: application developers, integrators, analysts, end-users, and decision makers. Remember, without structured Data we cannot produce or share Information, and without Information, we cannot produce of share Knowledge.
