Last night we updated the ASP.NET Websiteto ASP.NET 1.1. So
far so good, we found a couple of bugs in the forums that we had to
patch this morning, but overall the site seems to run faster! Today
we got even more good news, we should have our new dual-processor
SQL box online by-end-of-week. It's somewhat amazing that our
little SQL Server (single-proc. 750 MHZ 1GB RAM) has handled the
load of (we're serving about 100K unique users /
day on the site right now.):
All the content from (all content is stored in the
All the interactive content from
All the interactive content from
the most database utilization)
All the interactive online versions of the
starter kits (such as IBuySpy Store, Portal, etc.)
Unfortunately the search functionality of the
forums is killing CPU utilization on the SQL Server. Once we get
the new DB in place we'll dedicate it to the forums --- should
definitley speed up the site even more! [via Rob Howard's Blog]