Note: The following was written prior to the event, but was not posted until later due to human error.
The Semantic Technology Institute (STI) is organizing a meeting around the questions of making semantic technology deliver on its promise. We were asked to present a position paper (reproduced below). This is another recap of our position on making graph databasing come of age. While the database technology matters are getting tackled, we are drawing closer to the question of deciding actually what kind of inference will be needed close to the data. My personal wish is to use this summit for clarifying exactly what is needed from the database in order to extract value from the data explosion. We have a good idea of what to do with queries but what is the exact requirement for transformation and alignment of schema and identifiers? What is the actual use case of inference, OWL or other, in this? It is time to get very concrete in terms of applications. We expect a mixed requirement but it is time to look closely at the details.
GDB for the Data Driven Age
Databases and knowledge representation both have decades of history, but to date the exchange of ideas and techniques between these disciplines has been limited. The intuition that there would be value in greater cooperation has not failed to occur to researchers on either side; after all, both sides deal with data. From this, we have seen deductive databases emerge, as well as more recently "database friendly" profiles of OWL.
In this position paper we will examine what, in the most concrete terms, is needed in order to bring leading edge database technology together with expressive querying and reasoning. This draws on our experience in building Virtuoso, one of today's leading graph data stores. Following this, we argue for the creation of benchmarks and challenges that in fact do reflect reality and facilitate open and fair comparison of products and technologies.
Data integration is often mentioned as the motivating use case for GDB, commonly popularized today as RDF. Database research has over the past few years produced great advances for business intelligence (i.e., complex queries and read-mostly workloads). These advances are typified by compressed columnar storage and architecture-conscious execution models, mostly based on the idea of always processing multiple sets of values in each operation (vectoring). With these techniques, raw performance with relatively simple schemas and regular data (e.g., TPC-H) is no longer a barrier to extracting value from data.
A similar breakthrough has not been seen on the semantics side. Data integration still requires manual labor. Publishing GDB datasets is a good and necessary intermediate stage, but producing these datasets from diverse sources is not fundamentally different from doing the same work without GDB or RDF. Even so, GDB and RDF serve as a catalyst for a culture of publishing datasets.
GDB, as a base model for integration, offers the following benefits over a purely relational result format:
- All entities have globally unique identifiers.
- Any statements may be associated ad hoc to any entities.
- These statements can be scoped into graphs according to their provenance, time, validity, etc.
Obtaining this flexibility on a relational basis would simply require moving to an graph-like representation with essentially one-row-per-attribute. Indeed, we see key-value stores being used in online applications with high volatility of schema (e.g., social networks, search); and we also see relational applications making provisions for post-hoc addition of per-entity attributes (i.e., associating a bag of mixed non-first normal form data with entities). The benefits of a schema-last approach are recognized in many places.
GDB seems a priori a fit for all these requirements, thus how will it claim its place as a solution?
The first part of the answer lies in learning all the relevant database lessons. The second part lies in eliminating the impedance mismatch between querying and reasoning. The third and most important part consists of substantiating these claims in a manner that is understandable to the relevant publics, finally leading to the creation of a semantics-aware segment of the database industry. We will address each of these aspects in turn.
The problem is divided into storage format, execution, and query optimization. For the first two, Daniel Abadi's renowned Ph.D. thesis holds most of the keys. Space efficiency is specially important for Linked Data, since data is often voluminous, and many datasets have to be brought together for integration. Access patterns are also unpredictable, with indexed-random-access predominating, as opposed to RDB BI workloads where sequential scans and hash joins represent the bulk of the work. However, we find that a sorted column-wise compressed representation of Linked Data with a single quad table for all statements gives excellent space efficiency and good random access as well as random insert speed. The space efficiency is close to par with the equivalent column-wise relational format, since three of the four columns of the quad table compress to almost nothing. As many sort orders as are necessary may be maintained, but we find that two are enough, with some extra data structures for dealing with queries where the predicate is unspecified. The details are found in VLDB 2010 Semdata workshop paper, Directions and Challenges for Semantically Linked Data. Since GDB/RDF is a model typed at run time, the engine must support an "ANY
" data type for columns and query variables, where values on successive rows may be of different types. This is a straightforward enhancement.
Vectored execution is traditionally associated with column stores because the per-row access cost is relatively high, thus needing to access many nearby rows at a time in order to amortize the overhead. Aside this, vectored execution provides many opportunities for parallelism, from the instruction level all the way to threading and distributed execution on clusters, thus some form of execution on large numbers of concurrent query states is needed for RDF stores, just as it is needed for RDBMS"s.
Query optimization for GDBMS is similar to that for RDBMS, except that the statistics can no longer be collected by column and table, but must rather apply to individual entities and ranges of a single quad table. This can be provided through run-time sampling of the database based on constants in the query being optimized. This may take into account trivial inference such as expanding properties into the set of their sub-properties and the like. Beyond this, interleaving execution and optimization (as in ROX) seems to offer limitless possibilities, especially when inference is introduced, making optimizer statistics less predictive.
In summary, starting with an RDBMS and going to GDB entails changes to all parts of the engine, but these changes are not fundamental. One does need to own the engine; however, otherwise the expertise for efficiently implementing these changes will not exist. Essentially any DBMS technique may be translated to a GDB use case, if its application can be decided at run-time. GDB may be schema-less, yet most datasets have fairly regular structure; the question is simply to reconstruct the needed statistics and schema information from the data on an as you go basis. Techniques with high up-front cost, like constructing specially ordered materializations for optimizing specific queries, are harder to deploy but still conceivable for GDB also.
RDB and Inference
Compared to the straightforwardly performance oriented world of database engines, the contours of the landscape become less defined when moving to inference. Databases, whether relational or schema-less all perform roughly the same functions but inference is more diverse. We include here also techniques like machine learning and meta-reasoning for guiding reasoning, although these might not strictly fit the definition.
As we posit that data integration is the motivating use case for GDB as opposed to RDB (Relational Database Model), we must ask which modes of inference are actually required for data integration. Further, we need to ask whether these inferences ought to be applied as a preprocessing step (ETL or forward chaining), or as needed (backward chaining). Some low-hanging fruit can be collected by simply constructing class or property hierarchies; e.g., in the data at hand, the following properties have the meaning of company name, and the following classes have the meaning of company. We have found that such techniques can be efficiently supported at run-time, without materialization, if the support is simply built into the engine, which is in itself straightforward as long as one controls the engine. The same applies to trivial identity resolution, such as owl:sameAs
or resolution of identity based on sharing an inverse-functional property value. These things take longer at run-time, but if one caches and reuses the result, one can get around materialization.
We do not believe in weak statements of identity, as in X is similar to Y, since the meaning of similarity is entirely contextual. X and Y may or may not be interchangeable depending on the application; thus the statement on identity needs to be strong, but it must be easy to modify the grounds on which such a statement is made. This is a further argument for why one should not automatically materialize consequences of identity, particularly if dealing with web data where identity is especially problematic.
Real-world problems are however harder than just bundling properties, classes, or instances into sets of interchangeable equivalents, which is all we have mentioned thus far. There are differences of modeling ("address as many columns in customer table" vs. "address normalized away under a contact entity"), normalization ("first name" and "last name" as one or more properties; national conventions on person names; tags as comma-separated in a string or as a one-to-many), incomplete data (one customer table has family income bracket, the other does not), diversity in units of measurement (Imperial vs. metric), variability in the definition of units (seven different things all called blood pressure), variability in unit conversions (currency exchange rates), to name a few. What a world!
If data exists, the conversion questions are often answerable but their answer depends on context -- e.g., date of transaction for currency exchange rate; source of data for the definition of blood pressure.
Alongside these, there remain issues of identity, e.g., depending on the perspective, a national subsidiary is or is not the same entity as the parent company, companies with the same name can be entirely unrelated in different jurisdictions.
It appears that we may need a multi-level approach, combining different techniques for different phases of the integration process. We do not a priori believe that using SQL VIEWs for unit and modeling conversion, and then OWL for unifying terminology on top of this, were the whole solution. Even if this were the solution, the pipeline from the relational sources to SPARQL and OWL needs to be optimized for real-world BI information volumes, and the query language needs to be able to express the business questions and needs to interface with the reporting tools the analyst has come to expect.
Our answer so far consists of a SPARQL extension with non-recursive rules, roughly equivalent to SQL VIEWs in expressive power, tightly integrated to the query engine. There is also limited support for recursion through transitive subqueries; thus one can compactly express things like "all parts of all assemblies and subassemblies must satisfy applicable safety requirements, where the requirements depend on the type of the part in question."
This is only an intermediate step. We believe that a database-scale generic inference engine with at least Datalog power, with second-order extensions like computed predicates, is needed, executing inside the DBMS, benefiting from the whole array of optimizations database-science expects of execution engines, as part of the answer.
This will not relieve the analyst of having to consider that the currency rates in effect at the time of conversion must be taken into account when calculating profits, but this will at least make expressing this and similar pieces of context more compact.
We note that time-to-answer has historically won over raw performance. This was also the case for RDBMS when these were the fresh challenger to the CODASYL incumbents, just as was the case with the adoption of high-level languages. The key is that the raw performance must be sufficient for the real world task. With the adoption of the database lessons outlined in the previous section, we believe this to be the case for GDB (and thus, RDF).
Substantiating the Claims
Benchmarks have a stellar record for improving any metric they measure. The question is, how can we make a metric that measures GDB's ability to deliver on its claim to fame -- time-to-answer for big data -- with all the integration and other complexities this entails?
So far, GDB benchmarks have consisted of workloads where RDBMS are clearly better (e.g., LUBM, or the Berlin SPARQL Benchmark). This does not remove their usefulness for GDB, but does not constitute a GDB selling point, either.
We suggest a dual approach. The first part is demonstrating that GDB is scalable for BI: We take the industry standard decision support benchmark TPC-H, which is very favorable to RDB and quite unfavorable to GDB, and show that we can tackle the workload at reasonable cost. If TPC-H is all one wants, an RDBMS will stay a better fit, but then this benchmark does not capture any of the heterogeneity, schema evolution, or other such requirements faced by real-world data warehouses. This is still a qualification test, not the selling point.
The issue of benchmark is inextricably tied to the issue of messaging. There must be a compelling story, with which the IT community can identify. Further, the benchmark must capture real-world challenges in the area of interest. With all this, the benchmark should not be too expensive to run. Here too, a multistage approach suggests itself.
Our tentative answer to this question is the Social Intelligence Benchmark (SIB), developed together with CWI and other partners in the LOD2 consortium. This simulates a social network and combines an online workload with complex analytics. This benchmark should cover all of the target areas of the LOD2 project, so that the project itself generates its own metric of success. The project has clear data integration targets, especially as applies to Web and Linked Data. Questions of integration with enterprise sources need to be further developed; for example, comparing CRM data with extractions from the online conversation space for market research.
Data integration will invariably involve human effort, and the area cannot be satisfactorily covered with metrics of scale and throughput alone. Development time, accuracy of results, and cost of maintenance are all factors. Furthermore, the task being modeled must correspond to reality, still without being too domain-specific or prohibitively time-consuming to implement.
The data driven world will increase rewards for efficiency in data integration. We believe that such efficiency crucially depends on semantics. Real world requirements just might throw the database and AI communities together with enough heat and pressure for fusion to ignite, allegorically speaking. Without a clear and present need, the geek world analog of electrostatic repulsion will keep the communities separate, as has been the case thus far, and no new, qualitatively-different element will arise.
Efforts such as this STI Summit and the LOD2 Project are needed for setting directions and communicating the requirement to the research world. In our fusion analogy, this is the field which directs the nuclei to collide.
Once there is an actual reaction that produces more than it consumes by a sufficient margin, regular business dynamics will take over, and we will have an industry with several products of comparable capability, as well as a set of metrics, all to the benefit of the end user.
TPC-H results pages
Daniel Abadi's Ph.D. Thesis, Query Execution in
Column-Oriented Database Systems ( PDF )
Our VLDB 2010 Semdata workshop paper, Directions and Challenges for Semantically Linked Data ( HTML | PDF )
CWI's ROX: Run-time Optimization of XQueries ( PDF )
The LOD2 Project web site