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About: "John Kitchin, NZ9F - BarbaraThis is the Index of the Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, by Barbara G. Walker.Web Purchase book link at bottom.A.Aaron, 126Ab, 2, 375Abaddon, 23Abaton, 2, 3, 828Abel, 15, 68, 104, 116, 290, 541,864as Good Shepherd, 910murder/sacrifice of, 132, 906,999Abelard, 146Abhiseka ceremony, 3Abishag, 34, 379Abortion, 45, 655, 1063Abraham, 5, 115, 839, 841, 894begat by Terah/Tara, 987988as Moon-father, 940stature of, 341tribe of, 890 See also BrahmaAbrama, 5Abraxas, 6Absalom, 67, 417, 949Absinth, 1093Absolution, 754Abtala Jurain,2122Abtu, 7, 313Abydos shrine and oracle of Osiris,7, 747, 751752, 780Abyss, 274, 281, 539, 552, 580, 698cosmic, 709before creation, 1001of the Great Mother, 998Lord of the, 1095planetary spheres in, 800uterine/feminine/womb, 702, 884, 908Acca Larentia, 16, 857, 1046Acedia, 7Aceldama, 815Achamoth, 7, 951Achilles, 78, 25, 762canonization of, 880as slayer/raper of Penthesileia,783784Achilles Heel, 8Aciel, 8, 40, 163, 338, 385, 897Aconite, 317Acorns, 257Acosta, Father Jos de, 47Acquarius (constellation), 377Acquarius (god), 16Acquarius (zodiacal sign), 789Acropolis, 772Actaeon, 8, 5859, 244, 342portrayed as a stag, 410rebirth of, 362Acton, Dr. William, 914915Acts of John, 376Acts of the Aspostles, 938939Acts of the Saints (Bollandus), 13Acts of Thomas,481482Adah and Zillah, 8Adam, 89, 635, 775apple (fruit of knowledge) and,49, 290, 951creation of, 815, 816, 818, 896,1102as creation of Eve, 288, 289,290as creation of Zoe, 1102Dionysus as, 237Eve created from rib of, 9, 261given a soul by Sophia, 1102as God's flesh, 745as half of the Primal Androgyne,20, 33knowledge of sex, 912Lilith and, 527, 541, 1044as male birth-giver, 107108,516naming of the animals by, 708redemption of, 526527reincarnation of, 848rescued from hell, 290sexual guilt of, 911sins of, 388stature of, 341transmigration of soul, 116Adamah, 724, 946Adamites, 41, 707708Adam-Kadmon, 9Adamu, 9, 289Addai, 584, 585Adelphos, 9Aditi, 10, 62, 343, 961, 1042Adityas, 10Adonai, 895, 951Adonijah, 34Adonis, 1011, 84, 399, 465, 1094Aphrodite and, 962birth of, 465, 628, 702castration of, 143, 147Dionysus as, 236Hebrew version of, 970killing of, by dogs, 241Orpheus as descendant of, 747as possible father of Priapus,816rebirth through, 138139as reincarnation of Odin, 734sacrifice of, 113, 167Venus and, 1043virgin mother of, 717See alsoTammuz (Adonis)Adultery, 11, 162, 925Ady, Thomas, 1079Aeacus, 383Aegea, 856Aegeus, 143Aegis, 1, 11, 30, 634, 829Aegisthus, 172Aeneas, 1112, 4, 45, 763, 966, 972Aeon, 12, 39, 61, 514, 583, 841,938, 962four primoridial, 274Heracles as, 739Jesus as, 951Aesculapius, 762Aesir, 12, 141, 324, 751, 1042Aeson, King, 151Afterbirth, 252After-world, Egyptian, 788Agamemnon, King, 140-141, 172, 272Aganippe, 780Agape, Saint, 12, 822 See also menstrual bloodAgape (love feast), 640, 967Agatha, 321Agatha, Saint, 13Agathocles (\"Glory of Agatha\"), 13Age of consent, 825826, 843Age of Enlightenment, 1088Age of Faith, 190Ages of creation, 248Ages of man, 216Aggression, male, 797Agnes, Saint, 1314Agni (Ambika), 14, 66, 141, 274,539, 803, 817Agnus Dei wax charms, 527, 569,753Agrippa von Nettesheim, Henry Cornelius, 230-231, 714, 922Ahriman (the Great Serpent/Satan),8,1415, 62, 67, 163, 226,553, 642, 652, 895, 1103birth of, 1102as enemy of Mithra, 664sacrifices made by, 132twin brother Ahura Mazda, 744, 1022Ahura Mazda (sun god),15, 33, 62,163, 226, 652, 677, 697, 744,1102, 1103birth of, 1102as patriarchal god, 258sacrifices made by, 132twin brother Ahriman, 744,1022Air. See ElementsAir-soul, 945Akka, 1516Akki the Water Drawer, 676, 894Aladdin, 1617, 1040Alain, 353Alako, 17, 362Alalu, 23Alani, 17Alban, Saint, 18Alberich, 18Albigensian heretic group, 1084Albion (\"White Moon\"), 18Alchemy, 1822, 742, 889, 1042attempts to create gold, 118, 944, 949950belief in female World-Soul and,37blue elixirs of, 837female practitioners of, 18, 20Gnosticism and, 345Hermes and, 397Virgin Mary and, 50Alcmene, 22, 856Alcohol, 18Alcott, Dr. William A., 913Alcyone, 662, 804Alder tree, 279, 283Alecto, 22A (letter), 2Alexander Helios, 170Alexander I, Pope, 880Alexander III, Pope, 194, 210, 713, 1005-1006Alexander the Great, 908, 989Aleyin, 30, 144, 679Algol, 787Al-Kasim, 863Allah, 22, 51, 635, 1100names of, 711, 866prophets of, 896Al-Lat, 22, 51, 711, 767Allath, 1100Allatu, 767Alleluia,23All Hallow's Eve, 647, 648 See also HalloweenAll-Seeing Eye, 1026All Soul's Day, 648, 803, 888Alma, 954Al-Mah, 23fertilization of women by, 1050goddess Pomona, 806golden, 72, 168of immortality/eternal life, 48, 49, 392, 393, 399, 427, 774, 778, 806, 870magic, 362, 377, 774pentacle in, 1019as sacred fruit, 884serpent and, 49, 288as symbol of Bacchus, 788as symbol of death, 268, 357as symbol of paradise, 280as symbol of the heart/soul, 107, 112, 362363, 372trees, 778Apricot, 778April, 45April Fool's Day, 79Apsaras, 963, 1038Apsu, 998Apuleius, 698, 801Aqa, 713Aquarius (zodiacal sign), 396, 900Arabi, Ibn El-, 53Arabia, 5154Arabian Nights,16, 17, 169Arachne, 54, 957Aradia, 54Aramaiti, 54Arcadius, 218Archangels, 951Archeology, 186Archers, 880Architecture, 686Archons, 534Ardhanarisvara, 395, 978Ares, 878Argive Hera, 806Argonauts, 535Argus Panoptes, 449Ariadne, 55, 56, 504, 762Ariana, 5556Arianism, 5556Arianrhod, 56, 934, 1022, 1072,1075Aries the Ram (zodiacal sign), 75, 798, 803, 841Arinna, 57Arion, 780Aristotle, 10291030Arius, 55, 56Ark, 315, 316, 576, 671, 730Ark of the Covenant, 5758, 133, 402, 876Armageddon, 250, 284Armathr,58, 990Arrows, 165Arsiel, 8Art, Christian, 63Artemidos, Saint, 58Artemis Calliste, 1030, 1031Artemis Caryatis, 140, 514Artemis (Diana), 1, 46, 5860, 61, 72, 148, 199, 404, 990, 1093animal sacrifices to, 412Apollo as brother-consort, 24, 60, 122, 324, 419, 740, 842, 1068ax/scepter of, 523canonization of, 880as counterpart of Venus, 1043cult of, 8, 58, 60, 170, 205, 509dogs of, 241Ananta, 29, 904 See also Anat/AnanthaAnastasia, Saint, 29Anat Anath(a), 2931, 94, 142, 391, 527, 679, 721, 904, 1095Anata the Infinite, 903Anathema, 30, 31, 32, 56, 64Anath (Mari), 2931, 32, 74, 94,277, 336, 368, 468as goddess of death, 391as the Great Whore, 822Anatolian mystery cults, 664Anaximander, 28Ancestor-worship, 115, 304Anchises, 10, 147Andrew, Saint, 32, 781Androgyne(s), 20, 32, 3234, 763 870Adam and Eve as, 289God merged with Sophia as,951primal, 1029, 1095as represention of sexual union1042Andromeda35, 399, 787Androphono 35, 45Anemone, 706Angel(s), 3536,947abyssal, 729of annunciation, 789790of the Apocalypse, 107, 274as carriers of souls to heaven,374creation of, 951of death, 206, 240, 398, 1021 1038, 1053fallen, 221, 300, 553guardian, 35, 36, 321, 339, 548, 782, 929as psychopomps, 827savior for, 631spiritual marriage with, 10371038wings of, 101Angerona 3637Angkor-Wat, Cambodia, 903, 904Angurboda 37, 39, 241Animal(s), 21, 37ability to speak, 167ancestors, 107black, 222dieties, 164as foreseers of the future, 135, 881healing of, 110homosexuality of, 108hoofed, 222, 226horned, 409410, 783, 835, 841lunar, 148, 149masks in the likness of, 255, 409-410, 740Mother of, 233, 404as psychopomps, 827souls of, 849, 878spiritual substance of, 848as symbols of demons, 222as vessels for spirits, 808See also Blood: sacrifices; Sacrifice: animalAnima Mercury, 398Anima Mundi, 950Anima (spirit), 37, 321, 929, 930, 954 See also Psyche (soul)Animism, 99, 849Ankamma,37Ankh (Cross of Life), 38, 188, 396, 456, 522, 637, 750, 789, 1054Anna, 373 See also Anne, SaintAnnals of Ashurbanipal, 51Anna-Maya, 266Anna-Nin 38Anna Perenna, 77, 153, 740, 819Annapurna, 38Anne Saint, 31, 3840, 612Annunciation, angel of, 789790Annunciation Day, 78Anointed One, 642, 652Anointingof carved phalli, 311312, 313, 642of kings, 3Anqet, 904Antaeus, 202Antheus, 10, 236, 399Anthony, Saint, 733, 893Anthropomorphism, 73Antic Hey 40Antichrist40, 110, 227, 438, 785as demon of hell, 386at doomsday, 251as firstborn of a virgin mother, 313recognition of, 885Anti-feminism, 767, 770Antinomianism 4142Antiochus Soter, 898Antiope, 26Anu, 696, 838Anubis, 4243, 46, 139, 241242, 362, 705, 736, 1068as Dog of Death, 953954Egyptian worship of, 398as gatekeeper of paradise, 196holy city of, 953Anuket 43Anunnaki, 801Anus of the devil, 748, 876Apep, 43, 46, 907Apex44Aphrodisiacs, 314, 326, 702Aphrodite1, 11, 12, 44, 69, 73, 457, 666Adonis and, 10, 143, 962as androgyne, 33bees and honey nectar of, 804,837as bride of Hephaestus, 944canonization of, 880as castrating Crone-goddess,143, 777, 803celestial nymphs of, 409consorts of, 878cult of, 584585, 803Cyprian, 394Dark, 901as destroyer/bringer of death,35, 253, 281dove as symbol of, 254, 302,479, 778, 951Galatea and, 333as Goddess of metalworking,944harlot priestesses of, 820, 1048Hermes and (hermaphrodite),395, 398as Holy Dove, 803husband of, 391labyrinths and, 523Mother, 161as mother of Aeneas, 966as mother of Priapus, 816Mysteries of the Rose of, 867Pearly Gates of, 582as Queen of Heaven, 1028rites and festivals of, 421, 1045,1091secret number of, 523as sexual aspect of Goddess,1045as Stella Maris, 958symbolic representation of, 972as temple harlot, 583temples and shrines, 4445,203, 253, 314Triple, 401as Triple Goddess, 147, 286,302, 401Aphrodite-Mari(na), 10, 44, 156,314, 582, 585, 602, 779, 990Aphrodite Pelagia, 781Aphrodite Salacia, 313, 314Apis, 30, 410, 413, 893sacrifice of, 941Apis-Osiris, 126Apocalypse, angels of, 274, 900Apollo, 4647, 60believed to be father of Plato,1050as brother-consort of Artemis,24, 46, 122, 324, 419, 740,1068cult of, 207dark twin of, 1022as father of Heracles, 740as killer of Orion, 744male birth-giving and, 107medicine discovered by, 185negative aspect of, 338oracle at Delphi and, 218,832833, 990Orestes and, 742phallic function of, 370rape of nymphs by, 842rape of sister Artemis, 842rebirth of, 762sacrifices to, 76, 869serpent form of, 894usurps the creative power of theMuses, 772view of parenthood, 172Apollo Benedictus, 95Apollo Lycaeus, 557, 1068Apollo-Python, 2Apollyon (Spirit of the Pit), 8, 46,338, 894Apologia,146Apostles, 28,4748, 72, 787Acts of, 938939female, 100twelve, 792Apostolic Congregation, 247Apostolic Constitutions,913Apotheosis, 41, 48, 879Apple-Eve, 867Apple(s), 4850, 156, 163, 362,372blossom as virginity-symbol,866867core, 782, 783fertilization of women by, 1050goddess Pomona, 806golden, 72, 168of immortality/eternal life, 48,49, 392, 393, 399, 427,774, 778, 806, 870magic, 362, 377, 774pentacle in, 1019as sacred fruit, 884serpent and, 49, 288as symbol of Bacchus, 788as symbol of death, 268, 357as symbol of paradise, 280as symbol of the heart/soul, 107,112, 362363, 372trees, 778Apricot, 778April, 45April Fool's Day, 79Apsaras, 963, 1038Apsu, 998Apuleius, 698, 801Aqa, 713Aquarius (zodiacal sign), 396, 900Arabi, Ibn El-, 53Arabia, 5154Arabian Nights,16, 17, 169Arachne, 54, 957Aradia, 54Aramaiti, 54Arcadius, 218Archangels, 951Archeology, 186Archers, 880Architecture, 686Archons, 534Ardhanarisvara, 395, 978Ares, 878Argive Hera, 806Argonauts, 535Argus Panoptes, 449Ariadne, 55, 56, 504, 762Ariana, 5556Arianism, 5556Arianrhod, 56, 934, 1022, 1072,1075Aries the Ram (zodiacal sign), 75,798, 803, 841Arinna, 57Arion, 780Aristotle, 10291030Arius, 55, 56Ark, 315, 316, 576, 671, 730Ark of the Covenant, 5758, 133,402, 876Armageddon, 250, 284Armathr, 58, 990Arrows, 165Arsiel, 8Art, Christian, 63Artemidos, Saint, 58Artemis Calliste, 1030, 1031Artemis Caryatis, 140, 514Artemis(Diana), 1, 46, 5860, 61,72, 148, 199, 404, 990, 1093animal sacrifices to, 412Apollo as brother-consort, 24,60, 122, 324, 419, 740,842, 1068ax/scepter of, 523canonization of, 880as counterpart of Venus, 1043cult of, 8, 58, 60, 170, 205, 509dogs of, 241fish symbols and, 73as Great She-Bear, 59, 61, 72,134as huntress, 378, 892King Arthur and, 61known as the Great Bitch/WolfBitch, 17, 109, 1068as Mother of Animals, 1031as mother of cats, 93as Mother of Creatures/fertilitygoddess, 58, 60, 628Muses and, 93Orion killed by, 744, 804as patron of sailors and harlots,725swastika as symbol of, 964Tefnut and, 986Virgin form of, 772See alsoDiana (Artemis)Artemisia, 26, 10921093Artemis Tauropolos, 126, 459Artha, 60,979Arthur, King, 6062,359, 528,784785, 980Artemis and, 61as bear-king, 59, 60born of the sea, 141, 357death of, 436, 507Holy Grail (cauldron) and, 152,154immortality of, 738killing of the innocents and,435436magic armor of, 945Merlin and, 651Mordred and, 338, 436, 583,674myths/legends of, 303, 1053second coming of, 1065Triple Goddess and, 49, 1019Artio, 59, 61Arts and letters, 893Aruru, Goddess, 482Aruru the Great, 815Aryaman, 10, 15, 62, 132Aryan peoples, 62,141,10611062created from clay, 15, 815migration of, 12mother of, 56Asbru, 841Asceticism, 6266,283, 743, 797,862Buddhist, 124church's commitment to, 911death and, 1095man's self-worship and, 850Orphism and, 747, 748water-walking and, 790Asclepius, 92, 180, 420, 856, 1044,1049Asenath, 721Asgard, 772Asherah, 30, 44, 66, 69, 85, 125,257, 325, 972Adonis and, 10as Great Goddess, 127as the Great Whore, 822harlot priestesses of, 1048portrayed as the Pit, 551, 552,747, 1022Queen Deborah as priestessesof, 407sexual position favored by, 935Ashtoreth, 69, 70, 127, 972See alsoAstarteAshurbanipal, King, 51, 315, 342,462, 501Ash Wednesday, 6667Asmodeus, 67, 386, 809Ass, 6769-headed gods and demons, 763,847, 910Assassins/assasination, 16, 53, 69,118, 352, 505See alsoKings/kingshipAstaroth, 809Astarte, 28, 44, 6970, 92, 469,542, 946, 972association with lions, 544Baal and, 35, 84, 933, 1095as death aspect of the GreatMother, 956as demon of hell, 386dove as symbol of, 254as Great Goddess, 127palm trees as dwelling place of,764as patron of learning, 96Perseus and, 35portrayed as a sow, 159rites/festivals of, 267, 329sacrificies to, 113, 267shrine at Byblos, 375, 831shrine at Northumberland, 759temples of, 933See alsoAshtoreth; LilithAstarte-the-Qadeshet, 836Aster, 70Astoreth.See AstarteAstraea, 7071, 282, 1051Astral body, 70, 275Astral theology, 271Astroarche, 972Astrology, 7172, 160, 207, 334,566, 646, 1032Demon Star and, 787Gnosticism and, 345Hermes and, 397magic of, 939as manifestation of Satan, 896masculine concept of, 424myths, 900personality determined through,897See alsoZodiacAstronomy, 292, 1064neolithic monuments ascalculators for, 249numerical calculations, 981study of, 208, 333335used to foretell doomsday, 249See alsoStar(s); specificconstellationsAstruc, Jean, 184Asvins, 892893Atalanta, 7273Atargatis, 73, 206, 702Ataturk, 243Atavism, 80Athanasius, Saint, 910Atheism, 7374Athene, 11, 71, 74, 76, 111, 527,684aegis of,1, 11, 76, 349breastplate of, 30as crone, 187cult of, 23as death goddess/destroyeraspect, 241, 349, 368, 629as Fate-spinner, 957as giver of life to humanity, 33,818as the Great Virgin, 822as instructress of smiths, 944lunar mysteries of, 111origin of, 1021Pallas and, 74, 76, 763764Pan and, 74, 76, 765Poseidon and, 807Prometheus and, 817818reincarnation of, 938shrine of, on the Acropolis, 772symbols of, 118, 972as weaver of fate, 54as Wisdom-goddess, 950Zeus as father of, 106, 1101See alsoMinervaAthene Parthenia, 772Athyr.See HathorAtlas, 7475, 185Atman, 709, 945Atmen, 954Atmos, 709Atonement, 67, 7576, 80, 517sacrifices, 95, 137, 464, 869,893for sins, 167Atropos, 77, 187, 524Attar, Farad-Uddin, 987Atthar, 962Attila the Hun, 506, 515Attis, 7779, 403, 807808castration of, 146, 776Cybele and, 324eunuch priests of, 146, 147, 155festivals and dramas of, 166,255, 403, 469as reincarnation of Odin, 734sacrifice and resurrection of,113, 145, 167, 201, 255serpent Goddess identified with,874virgin mother of, 429, 717,1046Atum, 107Aucassin, 300, 771Aucassin and Nicolette,300Audumla, 1097Auf-Ra, 904Augustine, Saint, 55, 63, 65, 72,199, 313, 316, 467, 497, 576,663, 782, 883August named after, 80bibliomancy and, 99borrowings from Stoicism, 959doctrine of original sin, 912on fallen angels and demons,221, 222, 431on moon worship, 673on motherhood, 586opposition to transvestism,1014, 1015on servile role of women,942943on sex, 911August(month), 7980, 527Augustus Caesar, 201, 505506,898Auras, 373Auriga (Charioteer) constellation,404, 793Aurora,80, 281Avalon, 49, 80, 280, 298, 737as hell, 771as paradise, 770Avatar, 80Avebury, England, 962Avesta, 930Axis mundi, 80, 161, 412, 457,1096as cosmic phallus, 183, 908as ladder of heaven, 525, 840marked by Pole Star, 59, 959symbolized by swastika, 964Aya, 2Azazael, 896Azazel, 75, 8081, 85Aziz, 95Aztec civilization, 47, 137, 687belief in soul represented byspiders, 958penile mutilation to win favor ofthe gods, 777religious customs, 803sacred art, 131savior-god, 836End of the 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  • "John Kitchin, NZ9F - BarbaraThis is the Index of the Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, by Barbara G. Walker.Web Purchase book link at bottom.A.Aaron, 126Ab, 2, 375Abaddon, 23Abaton, 2, 3, 828Abel, 15, 68, 104, 116, 290, 541,864as Good Shepherd, 910murder/sacrifice of, 132, 906,999Abelard, 146Abhiseka ceremony, 3Abishag, 34, 379Abortion, 45, 655, 1063Abraham, 5, 115, 839, 841, 894begat by Terah/Tara, 987988as Moon-father, 940stature of, 341tribe of, 890 See also BrahmaAbrama, 5Abraxas, 6Absalom, 67, 417, 949Absinth, 1093Absolution, 754Abtala Jurain,2122Abtu, 7, 313Abydos shrine and oracle of Osiris,7, 747, 751752, 780Abyss, 274, 281, 539, 552, 580, 698cosmic, 709before creation, 1001of the Great Mother, 998Lord of the, 1095planetary spheres in, 800uterine/feminine/womb, 702, 884, 908Acca Larentia, 16, 857, 1046Acedia, 7Aceldama, 815Achamoth, 7, 951Achilles, 78, 25, 762canonization of, 880as slayer/raper of Penthesileia,783784Achilles Heel, 8Aciel, 8, 40, 163, 338, 385, 897Aconite, 317Acorns, 257Acosta, Father Jos de, 47Acquarius (constellation), 377Acquarius (god), 16Acquarius (zodiacal sign), 789Acropolis, 772Actaeon, 8, 5859, 244, 342portrayed as a stag, 410rebirth of, 362Acton, Dr. William, 914915Acts of John, 376Acts of the Aspostles, 938939Acts of the Saints (Bollandus), 13Acts of Thomas,481482Adah and Zillah, 8Adam, 89, 635, 775apple (fruit of knowledge) and,49, 290, 951creation of, 815, 816, 818, 896,1102as creation of Eve, 288, 289,290as creation of Zoe, 1102Dionysus as, 237Eve created from rib of, 9, 261given a soul by Sophia, 1102as God's flesh, 745as half of the Primal Androgyne,20, 33knowledge of sex, 912Lilith and, 527, 541, 1044as male birth-giver, 107108,516naming of the animals by, 708redemption of, 526527reincarnation of, 848rescued from hell, 290sexual guilt of, 911sins of, 388stature of, 341transmigration of soul, 116Adamah, 724, 946Adamites, 41, 707708Adam-Kadmon, 9Adamu, 9, 289Addai, 584, 585Adelphos, 9Aditi, 10, 62, 343, 961, 1042Adityas, 10Adonai, 895, 951Adonijah, 34Adonis, 1011, 84, 399, 465, 1094Aphrodite and, 962birth of, 465, 628, 702castration of, 143, 147Dionysus as, 236Hebrew version of, 970killing of, by dogs, 241Orpheus as descendant of, 747as possible father of Priapus,816rebirth through, 138139as reincarnation of Odin, 734sacrifice of, 113, 167Venus and, 1043virgin mother of, 717See alsoTammuz (Adonis)Adultery, 11, 162, 925Ady, Thomas, 1079Aeacus, 383Aegea, 856Aegeus, 143Aegis, 1, 11, 30, 634, 829Aegisthus, 172Aeneas, 1112, 4, 45, 763, 966, 972Aeon, 12, 39, 61, 514, 583, 841,938, 962four primoridial, 274Heracles as, 739Jesus as, 951Aesculapius, 762Aesir, 12, 141, 324, 751, 1042Aeson, King, 151Afterbirth, 252After-world, Egyptian, 788Agamemnon, King, 140-141, 172, 272Aganippe, 780Agape, Saint, 12, 822 See also menstrual bloodAgape (love feast), 640, 967Agatha, 321Agatha, Saint, 13Agathocles (\"Glory of Agatha\"), 13Age of consent, 825826, 843Age of Enlightenment, 1088Age of Faith, 190Ages of creation, 248Ages of man, 216Aggression, male, 797Agnes, Saint, 1314Agni (Ambika), 14, 66, 141, 274,539, 803, 817Agnus Dei wax charms, 527, 569,753Agrippa von Nettesheim, Henry Cornelius, 230-231, 714, 922Ahriman (the Great Serpent/Satan),8,1415, 62, 67, 163, 226,553, 642, 652, 895, 1103birth of, 1102as enemy of Mithra, 664sacrifices made by, 132twin brother Ahura Mazda, 744, 1022Ahura Mazda (sun god),15, 33, 62,163, 226, 652, 677, 697, 744,1102, 1103birth of, 1102as patriarchal god, 258sacrifices made by, 132twin brother Ahriman, 744,1022Air. See ElementsAir-soul, 945Akka, 1516Akki the Water Drawer, 676, 894Aladdin, 1617, 1040Alain, 353Alako, 17, 362Alalu, 23Alani, 17Alban, Saint, 18Alberich, 18Albigensian heretic group, 1084Albion (\"White Moon\"), 18Alchemy, 1822, 742, 889, 1042attempts to create gold, 118, 944, 949950belief in female World-Soul and,37blue elixirs of, 837female practitioners of, 18, 20Gnosticism and, 345Hermes and, 397Virgin Mary and, 50Alcmene, 22, 856Alcohol, 18Alcott, Dr. William A., 913Alcyone, 662, 804Alder tree, 279, 283Alecto, 22A (letter), 2Alexander Helios, 170Alexander I, Pope, 880Alexander III, Pope, 194, 210, 713, 1005-1006Alexander the Great, 908, 989Aleyin, 30, 144, 679Algol, 787Al-Kasim, 863Allah, 22, 51, 635, 1100names of, 711, 866prophets of, 896Al-Lat, 22, 51, 711, 767Allath, 1100Allatu, 767Alleluia,23All Hallow's Eve, 647, 648 See also HalloweenAll-Seeing Eye, 1026All Soul's Day, 648, 803, 888Alma, 954Al-Mah, 23fertilization of women by, 1050goddess Pomona, 806golden, 72, 168of immortality/eternal life, 48, 49, 392, 393, 399, 427, 774, 778, 806, 870magic, 362, 377, 774pentacle in, 1019as sacred fruit, 884serpent and, 49, 288as symbol of Bacchus, 788as symbol of death, 268, 357as symbol of paradise, 280as symbol of the heart/soul, 107, 112, 362363, 372trees, 778Apricot, 778April, 45April Fool's Day, 79Apsaras, 963, 1038Apsu, 998Apuleius, 698, 801Aqa, 713Aquarius (zodiacal sign), 396, 900Arabi, Ibn El-, 53Arabia, 5154Arabian Nights,16, 17, 169Arachne, 54, 957Aradia, 54Aramaiti, 54Arcadius, 218Archangels, 951Archeology, 186Archers, 880Architecture, 686Archons, 534Ardhanarisvara, 395, 978Ares, 878Argive Hera, 806Argonauts, 535Argus Panoptes, 449Ariadne, 55, 56, 504, 762Ariana, 5556Arianism, 5556Arianrhod, 56, 934, 1022, 1072,1075Aries the Ram (zodiacal sign), 75, 798, 803, 841Arinna, 57Arion, 780Aristotle, 10291030Arius, 55, 56Ark, 315, 316, 576, 671, 730Ark of the Covenant, 5758, 133, 402, 876Armageddon, 250, 284Armathr,58, 990Arrows, 165Arsiel, 8Art, Christian, 63Artemidos, Saint, 58Artemis Calliste, 1030, 1031Artemis Caryatis, 140, 514Artemis (Diana), 1, 46, 5860, 61, 72, 148, 199, 404, 990, 1093animal sacrifices to, 412Apollo as brother-consort, 24, 60, 122, 324, 419, 740, 842, 1068ax/scepter of, 523canonization of, 880as counterpart of Venus, 1043cult of, 8, 58, 60, 170, 205, 509dogs of, 241Ananta, 29, 904 See also Anat/AnanthaAnastasia, Saint, 29Anat Anath(a), 2931, 94, 142, 391, 527, 679, 721, 904, 1095Anata the Infinite, 903Anathema, 30, 31, 32, 56, 64Anath (Mari), 2931, 32, 74, 94,277, 336, 368, 468as goddess of death, 391as the Great Whore, 822Anatolian mystery cults, 664Anaximander, 28Ancestor-worship, 115, 304Anchises, 10, 147Andrew, Saint, 32, 781Androgyne(s), 20, 32, 3234, 763 870Adam and Eve as, 289God merged with Sophia as,951primal, 1029, 1095as represention of sexual union1042Andromeda35, 399, 787Androphono 35, 45Anemone, 706Angel(s), 3536,947abyssal, 729of annunciation, 789790of the Apocalypse, 107, 274as carriers of souls to heaven,374creation of, 951of death, 206, 240, 398, 1021 1038, 1053fallen, 221, 300, 553guardian, 35, 36, 321, 339, 548, 782, 929as psychopomps, 827savior for, 631spiritual marriage with, 10371038wings of, 101Angerona 3637Angkor-Wat, Cambodia, 903, 904Angurboda 37, 39, 241Animal(s), 21, 37ability to speak, 167ancestors, 107black, 222dieties, 164as foreseers of the future, 135, 881healing of, 110homosexuality of, 108hoofed, 222, 226horned, 409410, 783, 835, 841lunar, 148, 149masks in the likness of, 255, 409-410, 740Mother of, 233, 404as psychopomps, 827souls of, 849, 878spiritual substance of, 848as symbols of demons, 222as vessels for spirits, 808See also Blood: sacrifices; Sacrifice: animalAnima Mercury, 398Anima Mundi, 950Anima (spirit), 37, 321, 929, 930, 954 See also Psyche (soul)Animism, 99, 849Ankamma,37Ankh (Cross of Life), 38, 188, 396, 456, 522, 637, 750, 789, 1054Anna, 373 See also Anne, SaintAnnals of Ashurbanipal, 51Anna-Maya, 266Anna-Nin 38Anna Perenna, 77, 153, 740, 819Annapurna, 38Anne Saint, 31, 3840, 612Annunciation, angel of, 789790Annunciation Day, 78Anointed One, 642, 652Anointingof carved phalli, 311312, 313, 642of kings, 3Anqet, 904Antaeus, 202Antheus, 10, 236, 399Anthony, Saint, 733, 893Anthropomorphism, 73Antic Hey 40Antichrist40, 110, 227, 438, 785as demon of hell, 386at doomsday, 251as firstborn of a virgin mother, 313recognition of, 885Anti-feminism, 767, 770Antinomianism 4142Antiochus Soter, 898Antiope, 26Anu, 696, 838Anubis, 4243, 46, 139, 241242, 362, 705, 736, 1068as Dog of Death, 953954Egyptian worship of, 398as gatekeeper of paradise, 196holy city of, 953Anuket 43Anunnaki, 801Anus of the devil, 748, 876Apep, 43, 46, 907Apex44Aphrodisiacs, 314, 326, 702Aphrodite1, 11, 12, 44, 69, 73, 457, 666Adonis and, 10, 143, 962as androgyne, 33bees and honey nectar of, 804,837as bride of Hephaestus, 944canonization of, 880as castrating Crone-goddess,143, 777, 803celestial nymphs of, 409consorts of, 878cult of, 584585, 803Cyprian, 394Dark, 901as destroyer/bringer of death,35, 253, 281dove as symbol of, 254, 302,479, 778, 951Galatea and, 333as Goddess of metalworking,944harlot priestesses of, 820, 1048Hermes and (hermaphrodite),395, 398as Holy Dove, 803husband of, 391labyrinths and, 523Mother, 161as mother of Aeneas, 966as mother of Priapus, 816Mysteries of the Rose of, 867Pearly Gates of, 582as Queen of Heaven, 1028rites and festivals of, 421, 1045,1091secret number of, 523as sexual aspect of Goddess,1045as Stella Maris, 958symbolic representation of, 972as temple harlot, 583temples and shrines, 4445,203, 253, 314Triple, 401as Triple Goddess, 147, 286,302, 401Aphrodite-Mari(na), 10, 44, 156,314, 582, 585, 602, 779, 990Aphrodite Pelagia, 781Aphrodite Salacia, 313, 314Apis, 30, 410, 413, 893sacrifice of, 941Apis-Osiris, 126Apocalypse, angels of, 274, 900Apollo, 4647, 60believed to be father of Plato,1050as brother-consort of Artemis,24, 46, 122, 324, 419, 740,1068cult of, 207dark twin of, 1022as father of Heracles, 740as killer of Orion, 744male birth-giving and, 107medicine discovered by, 185negative aspect of, 338oracle at Delphi and, 218,832833, 990Orestes and, 742phallic function of, 370rape of nymphs by, 842rape of sister Artemis, 842rebirth of, 762sacrifices to, 76, 869serpent form of, 894usurps the creative power of theMuses, 772view of parenthood, 172Apollo Benedictus, 95Apollo Lycaeus, 557, 1068Apollo-Python, 2Apollyon (Spirit of the Pit), 8, 46,338, 894Apologia,146Apostles, 28,4748, 72, 787Acts of, 938939female, 100twelve, 792Apostolic Congregation, 247Apostolic Constitutions,913Apotheosis, 41, 48, 879Apple-Eve, 867Apple(s), 4850, 156, 163, 362,372blossom as virginity-symbol,866867core, 782, 783fertilization of women by, 1050goddess Pomona, 806golden, 72, 168of immortality/eternal life, 48,49, 392, 393, 399, 427,774, 778, 806, 870magic, 362, 377, 774pentacle in, 1019as sacred fruit, 884serpent and, 49, 288as symbol of Bacchus, 788as symbol of death, 268, 357as symbol of paradise, 280as symbol of the heart/soul, 107,112, 362363, 372trees, 778Apricot, 778April, 45April Fool's Day, 79Apsaras, 963, 1038Apsu, 998Apuleius, 698, 801Aqa, 713Aquarius (zodiacal sign), 396, 900Arabi, Ibn El-, 53Arabia, 5154Arabian Nights,16, 17, 169Arachne, 54, 957Aradia, 54Aramaiti, 54Arcadius, 218Archangels, 951Archeology, 186Archers, 880Architecture, 686Archons, 534Ardhanarisvara, 395, 978Ares, 878Argive Hera, 806Argonauts, 535Argus Panoptes, 449Ariadne, 55, 56, 504, 762Ariana, 5556Arianism, 5556Arianrhod, 56, 934, 1022, 1072,1075Aries the Ram (zodiacal sign), 75,798, 803, 841Arinna, 57Arion, 780Aristotle, 10291030Arius, 55, 56Ark, 315, 316, 576, 671, 730Ark of the Covenant, 5758, 133,402, 876Armageddon, 250, 284Armathr, 58, 990Arrows, 165Arsiel, 8Art, Christian, 63Artemidos, Saint, 58Artemis Calliste, 1030, 1031Artemis Caryatis, 140, 514Artemis(Diana), 1, 46, 5860, 61,72, 148, 199, 404, 990, 1093animal sacrifices to, 412Apollo as brother-consort, 24,60, 122, 324, 419, 740,842, 1068ax/scepter of, 523canonization of, 880as counterpart of Venus, 1043cult of, 8, 58, 60, 170, 205, 509dogs of, 241fish symbols and, 73as Great She-Bear, 59, 61, 72,134as huntress, 378, 892King Arthur and, 61known as the Great Bitch/WolfBitch, 17, 109, 1068as Mother of Animals, 1031as mother of cats, 93as Mother of Creatures/fertilitygoddess, 58, 60, 628Muses and, 93Orion killed by, 744, 804as patron of sailors and harlots,725swastika as symbol of, 964Tefnut and, 986Virgin form of, 772See alsoDiana (Artemis)Artemisia, 26, 10921093Artemis Tauropolos, 126, 459Artha, 60,979Arthur, King, 6062,359, 528,784785, 980Artemis and, 61as bear-king, 59, 60born of the sea, 141, 357death of, 436, 507Holy Grail (cauldron) and, 152,154immortality of, 738killing of the innocents and,435436magic armor of, 945Merlin and, 651Mordred and, 338, 436, 583,674myths/legends of, 303, 1053second coming of, 1065Triple Goddess and, 49, 1019Artio, 59, 61Arts and letters, 893Aruru, Goddess, 482Aruru the Great, 815Aryaman, 10, 15, 62, 132Aryan peoples, 62,141,10611062created from clay, 15, 815migration of, 12mother of, 56Asbru, 841Asceticism, 6266,283, 743, 797,862Buddhist, 124church's commitment to, 911death and, 1095man's self-worship and, 850Orphism and, 747, 748water-walking and, 790Asclepius, 92, 180, 420, 856, 1044,1049Asenath, 721Asgard, 772Asherah, 30, 44, 66, 69, 85, 125,257, 325, 972Adonis and, 10as Great Goddess, 127as the Great Whore, 822harlot priestesses of, 1048portrayed as the Pit, 551, 552,747, 1022Queen Deborah as priestessesof, 407sexual position favored by, 935Ashtoreth, 69, 70, 127, 972See alsoAstarteAshurbanipal, King, 51, 315, 342,462, 501Ash Wednesday, 6667Asmodeus, 67, 386, 809Ass, 6769-headed gods and demons, 763,847, 910Assassins/assasination, 16, 53, 69,118, 352, 505See alsoKings/kingshipAstaroth, 809Astarte, 28, 44, 6970, 92, 469,542, 946, 972association with lions, 544Baal and, 35, 84, 933, 1095as death aspect of the GreatMother, 956as demon of hell, 386dove as symbol of, 254as Great Goddess, 127palm trees as dwelling place of,764as patron of learning, 96Perseus and, 35portrayed as a sow, 159rites/festivals of, 267, 329sacrificies to, 113, 267shrine at Byblos, 375, 831shrine at Northumberland, 759temples of, 933See alsoAshtoreth; LilithAstarte-the-Qadeshet, 836Aster, 70Astoreth.See AstarteAstraea, 7071, 282, 1051Astral body, 70, 275Astral theology, 271Astroarche, 972Astrology, 7172, 160, 207, 334,566, 646, 1032Demon Star and, 787Gnosticism and, 345Hermes and, 397magic of, 939as manifestation of Satan, 896masculine concept of, 424myths, 900personality determined through,897See alsoZodiacAstronomy, 292, 1064neolithic monuments ascalculators for, 249numerical calculations, 981study of, 208, 333335used to foretell doomsday, 249See alsoStar(s); specificconstellationsAstruc, Jean, 184Asvins, 892893Atalanta, 7273Atargatis, 73, 206, 702Ataturk, 243Atavism, 80Athanasius, Saint, 910Atheism, 7374Athene, 11, 71, 74, 76, 111, 527,684aegis of,1, 11, 76, 349breastplate of, 30as crone, 187cult of, 23as death goddess/destroyeraspect, 241, 349, 368, 629as Fate-spinner, 957as giver of life to humanity, 33,818as the Great Virgin, 822as instructress of smiths, 944lunar mysteries of, 111origin of, 1021Pallas and, 74, 76, 763764Pan and, 74, 76, 765Poseidon and, 807Prometheus and, 817818reincarnation of, 938shrine of, on the Acropolis, 772symbols of, 118, 972as weaver of fate, 54as Wisdom-goddess, 950Zeus as father of, 106, 1101See alsoMinervaAthene Parthenia, 772Athyr.See HathorAtlas, 7475, 185Atman, 709, 945Atmen, 954Atmos, 709Atonement, 67, 7576, 80, 517sacrifices, 95, 137, 464, 869,893for sins, 167Atropos, 77, 187, 524Attar, Farad-Uddin, 987Atthar, 962Attila the Hun, 506, 515Attis, 7779, 403, 807808castration of, 146, 776Cybele and, 324eunuch priests of, 146, 147, 155festivals and dramas of, 166,255, 403, 469as reincarnation of Odin, 734sacrifice and resurrection of,113, 145, 167, 201, 255serpent Goddess identified with,874virgin mother of, 429, 717,1046Atum, 107Aucassin, 300, 771Aucassin and Nicolette,300Audumla, 1097Auf-Ra, 904Augustine, Saint, 55, 63, 65, 72,199, 313, 316, 467, 497, 576,663, 782, 883August named after, 80bibliomancy and, 99borrowings from Stoicism, 959doctrine of original sin, 912on fallen angels and demons,221, 222, 431on moon worship, 673on motherhood, 586opposition to transvestism,1014, 1015on servile role of women,942943on sex, 911August(month), 7980, 527Augustus Caesar, 201, 505506,898Auras, 373Auriga (Charioteer) constellation,404, 793Aurora,80, 281Avalon, 49, 80, 280, 298, 737as hell, 771as paradise, 770Avatar, 80Avebury, England, 962Avesta, 930Axis mundi, 80, 161, 412, 457,1096as cosmic phallus, 183, 908as ladder of heaven, 525, 840marked by Pole Star, 59, 959symbolized by swastika, 964Aya, 2Azazael, 896Azazel, 75, 8081, 85Aziz, 95Aztec civilization, 47, 137, 687belief in soul represented byspiders, 958penile mutilation to win favor ofthe gods, 777religious customs, 803sacred art, 131savior-god, 836End of the letter \"A\""
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