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The OpenLink Single-Tier ODBC Driver for ODBC 3.5.x Data Sources (Lite Edition) is a single component installed on a data-consuming machine - depending on the architecture in which the driver is deployed, either a client such as a desktop, a workstation or an application-server machine. No components need be installed on the database server. The OpenLink Single-Tier ODBC Drivers for ODBC 3.5.x Data Sourcess are a Type B class of driver bound to the ODBC Driver Manager bringing connectivity and other features such as Scrollable Cursor support for greater performance, to any ODBC-enabled Database.
Attributes | Values |
manufacturer | |
description |
described by | |
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image | |
hasRelease | |
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hasCategory | |
hasFamily | |
hasDatabaseFamily | |
hasOperatingSystemFamily | |
name |
hasOperatingSystem | |
hasDatabaseEngine | |
isRelatedTo |
operatingSystem |
category | |
applicationCategory | |
applicationSubCategory | |
applicationSuite |
author | |
comment |
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type | |
schema:mainEntityOfPage | |
is isRelatedTo of |
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