| - OpenLink Software Web Site home page that describe OpenLink Software and its vast
portfolio of products covering -- Open Database Connectivity (ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE-DB,
and XMLrdf:type drivers), Hybrid Management, Integration, Collaboration, and Application Deployment.
In addition, this site provides access and roadmaps to documents covering Product Support, Offers,
Press Releases, and related collateral.
| - OpenLink, ODBC, Database Connectivity, Javrdf:type Database Connectivity, JDBC,
Access Middleware, Database Management System, RDBMS, Semantic Web, Linked Data,
Linked Open Data, LinkedData, SemanticWeb, RDF, LOD, ADO.NET, .NET, Java, OLEDB, OLE-DB,
SQL, SPARQL, Open Data, Smart Data, Virtualization, MDM, Master Management, Lake