| - OpenLink Software is a privately held company founded in 1992 by its President & CEO, Kingsley
Idehen. The company is an industry acclaimed technology innovator in the following areas: ODBC, ODBC, ADO.NET, and OLE-DB
compliant Data Access Drivers for Oracle,SQL Server, DB2, Informix, Ingres, Sybase, Progress, MySQL, and PostgreSQL;
Object-Relational Database Technology; Data Integration Middleware (Virtual Database Engine Technology); Hybrid Data Servers
for SQL, XML, RDF, and Full Text data sources; Web Application Server Technology Application Integration Middleware (Web
Services Platforms and Service Oriented Architecture); Business Process Management & Integration; Distributed Collaborative
Applications Platforms (Weblogs, Wikis, Feed Aggregation and Syndication, Web File Systems, Discussion Forums etc.) (en)