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UDA 7.x Single-Tier (Lite Edition) ODBC Driver for Sybase on 64- and 32-bit across any operating system and any DBMS version combination (Server) host with up to 16 logical processor cores. Allows five (5) concurrent ODBC sessions from licensed host.
Attributes | Values |
description |
described by | |
name |
image | |
hasSessions |
hasMaximumProcessorCores |
maxNetworkInstance |
productLicenseOf | |
hasDatabaseFamily | |
hasOperatingSystemFamily | |
hasLicenseCode |
partOf | |
hasDataAccessProtocolScope | |
hasDatabaseEngine | |
hasOperatingSystemType | |
hasLicenseFileName |
model | |
comment |
aggregateRating | |
review | |
type | |
is topic of | |
is hasProductLicense of | |
is about of |