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Virtuoso 8.x Pay-As-You-Go (PAGO) Personal Usage oriented License for use with relevant Amazon Machine Instance Type for on one (1) Virtual Machine running Ubuntu. Enables unlimited Client Connections/Threads, the Column Store, Custom Reasoning & Inference Rules, Advanced Module, and will utilize a maximum of four (4) processor cores, for the subscription duration.
Attributes | Values |
description |
described by | |
name |
hasSessions |
hasMaximumProcessorCores |
maxNetworkInstance |
productLicenseOf | |
hasLicenseModule | |
hasDuration | |
hasDatabaseFamily | |
hasOperatingSystemFamily | |
name |
partOf | |
hasOperatingSystemType | |
model | |
comment |
type | |
serialNumberBroadcast |
is topic of | |
is itemOffered of |