| - “What we have found with this project is… the capacity to take value out of open data is very limited.” With the abatement of the media buzz surrounding open data since the first International Open Government Data Conference (IOGDC) was held in November 2011, it would be easy to believe that the task of opening up government data for public consumption is a fait accompli. Most of the discussion at this year’s IOGDC conference, held July 10-12, centered on the advantages and roadblocks to creating an open data ecosystem within government, and the need to establish the right mix of policies to promote a culture of openness and sharing both within and between government agencies and externally with journalists, civil society, and the public at large. According to these metrics the open government data movement has much to celebrate: 1,022,787 datasets from 192 catalogs in 24 languages representing 43 countries and international organizations. The looming questions about the utility of open government data make it clear, however, that the movement is still in its early stages. Much remains to be done to to provide usable, reliable, machine-readable and valuable government data to the public. continued… New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.