Unlock Oracle with Our Personal ODBC Driver - Save Now!
Version: 9, Category: Personal, Sessions: 5, Hosts: 1, Price: $49.99, Duration: Annual
Elevate Your PostgreSQL Experience with Our Personal Driver - Limited Offer!
Version: 9, Category: Personal, Sessions: 5, Hosts: 1, Price: $49.99, Duration: Annual
Maximize MySQL Efficiency - Personal ODBC Driver at Only $49.99!
Version: 9, Category: Personal, Sessions: 5, Hosts: 1, Price: $49.99, Duration: Annual
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Version: 9, Category: Personal, Sessions: 5, Hosts: 1, Price: $49.99, Duration: Annual
Revolutionize Your Data Access - ODBC to JDBC Bridge Driver Special!
Version: 9, Category: Personal, Sessions: 5, Hosts: 1, Price: $49.99, Duration: Annual
Supercharge SQL Server Connectivity - Grab Your Personal Driver Deal!
Version: 9, Category: Personal, Sessions: 5, Hosts: 1, Price: $49.99, Duration: Annual
Unlock Oracle with Our Personal ODBC Driver - Save Now!
Version: 9, Category: Personal, Sessions: 5, Hosts: 1, Price: $49.99, Duration: Annual
Elevate Your PostgreSQL Experience with Our Personal Driver - Limited Offer!
Version: 9, Category: Personal, Sessions: 5, Hosts: 1, Price: $49.99, Duration: Annual
Maximize MySQL Efficiency - Personal ODBC Driver at Only $49.99!
Version: 9, Category: Personal, Sessions: 5, Hosts: 1, Price: $49.99, Duration: Annual
Seamless Informix Integration with Our Exclusive Personal Driver!
Version: 9, Category: Personal, Sessions: 5, Hosts: 1, Price: $49.99, Duration: Annual
Revolutionize Your Data Access - ODBC to JDBC Bridge Driver Special!
Version: 9, Category: Personal, Sessions: 5, Hosts: 1, Price: $49.99, Duration: Annual
Supercharge SQL Server Connectivity - Grab Your Personal Driver Deal!
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Version: 8, Category: Personal, Sessions: 2, CPU Affinity: 2, Hosts: 1, Price $99.99, Duration: Annual

Knowledge Graph

Knowledge Graph-related content from various sources.

COVID-19 Master Google Spreadsheet
Google Master Spreadsheet comprising topic-specific Spreadsheets associated with individually labeled tabs. Individual sheets include data from Open Data publishers such as NextStrain, Our World In Data, Worldometers, COVID19 Tracking Project, U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) etc. Courtesy of RESTful interaction patterns you can retrieve the content of this spreadsheet in a variety of forms e.g., CSV
Open Data
Open-Standards-based Structured Data Representation based on the use of standards (e.g., CSV, JSON, RDF-Turtle, JSON-LD, HTML+Microdata, HTML+RDFa, RDF/XML, etc.) — thereby making structured data reusable across a variety of operating systems, applications, frameworks, services, and platforms.
Twitter Pages associated with #COVID19 and #KnowledgeGraph
Index of posts associated with COVID19 and Knowledge Graph that I've published to Twitter.
Open Data
Open-Standards-based Structured Data Representation based on the use of standards (e.g., CSV, JSON, RDF-Turtle, JSON-LD, HTML+Microdata, HTML+RDFa, RDF/XML, etc.) — thereby making structured data reusable across a variety of operating systems, applications, frameworks, services, and platforms.
The Fight Against COVID19: Unleashing the FORCE of the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Presentation
Presentation about how to maximize the implicit power of the ubquitous LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph by using Open Standards to negate Data Access, Integration, and Interoperability inertia.
Open Data
Open-Standards-based Structured Data Representation based on the use of standards (e.g., CSV, JSON, RDF-Turtle, JSON-LD, HTML+Microdata, HTML+RDFa, RDF/XML, etc.) — thereby making structured data reusable across a variety of operating systems, applications, frameworks, services, and platforms.
DBpedia-Live Page about Coronavirus Pandemic
Index of posts associated with COVID19 and Knowledge Graph that I've published to Twitter.
Open Data
Open-Standards-based Structured Data Representation based on the use of standards (e.g., CSV, JSON, RDF-Turtle, JSON-LD, HTML+Microdata, HTML+RDFa, RDF/XML, etc.) — thereby making structured data reusable across a variety of operating systems, applications, frameworks, services, and platforms.
Johns Hopkins Daily COVID19 Report -- 27th March 2020
SPARQL-generated report, presented using a standard HTML Table, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
Open Data
Open-Standards-based Structured Data Representation based on the use of standards (e.g., CSV, JSON, RDF-Turtle, JSON-LD, HTML+Microdata, HTML+RDFa, RDF/XML, etc.) — thereby making structured data reusable across a variety of operating systems, applications, frameworks, services, and platforms.
SARS-CoV-2 Genome from Uniprot
SPARQL-generated Report about Mapping of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Genome described using RDF sentences by Uniprot
Open Data
Open-Standards-based Structured Data Representation based on the use of standards (e.g., CSV, JSON, RDF-Turtle, JSON-LD, HTML+Microdata, HTML+RDFa, RDF/XML, etc.) — thereby making structured data reusable across a variety of operating systems, applications, frameworks, services, and platforms.
Diseases and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to MeSH via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Open Data
Open-Standards-based Structured Data Representation based on the use of standards (e.g., CSV, JSON, RDF-Turtle, JSON-LD, HTML+Microdata, HTML+RDFa, RDF/XML, etc.) — thereby making structured data reusable across a variety of operating systems, applications, frameworks, services, and platforms.
Diseases and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to NCBI via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Open Data
Open-Standards-based Structured Data Representation based on the use of standards (e.g., CSV, JSON, RDF-Turtle, JSON-LD, HTML+Microdata, HTML+RDFa, RDF/XML, etc.) — thereby making structured data reusable across a variety of operating systems, applications, frameworks, services, and platforms.
Top Gene Mutation Instances and Gene Card References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to Gene Card via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Open Data
Open-Standards-based Structured Data Representation based on the use of standards (e.g., CSV, JSON, RDF-Turtle, JSON-LD, HTML+Microdata, HTML+RDFa, RDF/XML, etc.) — thereby making structured data reusable across a variety of operating systems, applications, frameworks, services, and platforms.
Hospitals and ICU Capacity by US State and County
SPARQL-generated report about Hospital ICU capacity across the USA by State and County. This is all possible courtesy of Open Data provided by a Kaiser Health News as part of a recent news article about the aforementioned topic.
Open Data
Open-Standards-based Structured Data Representation based on the use of standards (e.g., CSV, JSON, RDF-Turtle, JSON-LD, HTML+Microdata, HTML+RDFa, RDF/XML, etc.) — thereby making structured data reusable across a variety of operating systems, applications, frameworks, services, and platforms.
Pivot Viewer Report on COVID-19 across USA
SPARQL-generated report, presented using the Virtuoso hosted HTML5-Pivot Viewer, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
Open Data
Open-Standards-based Structured Data Representation based on the use of standards (e.g., CSV, JSON, RDF-Turtle, JSON-LD, HTML+Microdata, HTML+RDFa, RDF/XML, etc.) — thereby making structured data reusable across a variety of operating systems, applications, frameworks, services, and platforms.
Data Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement
A post about best-practices for rapidly integrating new Open Data associated with the COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 virus into the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph.
Open Data
Open-Standards-based Structured Data Representation based on the use of standards (e.g., CSV, JSON, RDF-Turtle, JSON-LD, HTML+Microdata, HTML+RDFa, RDF/XML, etc.) — thereby making structured data reusable across a variety of operating systems, applications, frameworks, services, and platforms.
Data-Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement — Beyond Spreadsheets
A post about finalizing infrastructure for progressive updates to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph in regards to COVID-19 that covers negation of issues posed by Google Spreadsheet limitations.
Open Data
Open-Standards-based Structured Data Representation based on the use of standards (e.g., CSV, JSON, RDF-Turtle, JSON-LD, HTML+Microdata, HTML+RDFa, RDF/XML, etc.) — thereby making structured data reusable across a variety of operating systems, applications, frameworks, services, and platforms.
COVID-19 Master Google Spreadsheet
Google Master Spreadsheet comprising topic-specific Spreadsheets associated with individually labeled tabs. Individual sheets include data from Open Data publishers such as NextStrain, Our World In Data, Worldometers, COVID19 Tracking Project, U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) etc. Courtesy of RESTful interaction patterns you can retrieve the content of this spreadsheet in a variety of forms e.g., CSV
Linked Data
A principled approach to Structured Data representation that manifests as a Web of Data..
Twitter Pages associated with #COVID19 and #KnowledgeGraph
Index of posts associated with COVID19 and Knowledge Graph that I've published to Twitter.
Linked Data
A principled approach to Structured Data representation that manifests as a Web of Data..
The Fight Against COVID19: Unleashing the FORCE of the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Presentation
Presentation about how to maximize the implicit power of the ubquitous LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph by using Open Standards to negate Data Access, Integration, and Interoperability inertia.
Linked Data
A principled approach to Structured Data representation that manifests as a Web of Data..
DBpedia-Live Page about Coronavirus Pandemic
Index of posts associated with COVID19 and Knowledge Graph that I've published to Twitter.
Linked Data
A principled approach to Structured Data representation that manifests as a Web of Data..
Johns Hopkins Daily COVID19 Report -- 27th March 2020
SPARQL-generated report, presented using a standard HTML Table, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
Linked Data
A principled approach to Structured Data representation that manifests as a Web of Data..
SARS-CoV-2 Genome from Uniprot
SPARQL-generated Report about Mapping of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Genome described using RDF sentences by Uniprot
Linked Data
A principled approach to Structured Data representation that manifests as a Web of Data..
Diseases and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to MeSH via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Linked Data
A principled approach to Structured Data representation that manifests as a Web of Data..
Diseases and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to NCBI via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Linked Data
A principled approach to Structured Data representation that manifests as a Web of Data..
Top Gene Mutation Instances and Gene Card References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to Gene Card via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Linked Data
A principled approach to Structured Data representation that manifests as a Web of Data..
Hospitals and ICU Capacity by US State and County
SPARQL-generated report about Hospital ICU capacity across the USA by State and County. This is all possible courtesy of Open Data provided by a Kaiser Health News as part of a recent news article about the aforementioned topic.
Linked Data
A principled approach to Structured Data representation that manifests as a Web of Data..
Pivot Viewer Report on COVID-19 across USA
SPARQL-generated report, presented using the Virtuoso hosted HTML5-Pivot Viewer, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
Linked Data
A principled approach to Structured Data representation that manifests as a Web of Data..
Data Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement
A post about best-practices for rapidly integrating new Open Data associated with the COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 virus into the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph.
Linked Data
A principled approach to Structured Data representation that manifests as a Web of Data..
Data-Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement — Beyond Spreadsheets
A post about finalizing infrastructure for progressive updates to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph in regards to COVID-19 that covers negation of issues posed by Google Spreadsheet limitations.
Linked Data
A principled approach to Structured Data representation that manifests as a Web of Data..
COVID-19 Master Google Spreadsheet
Google Master Spreadsheet comprising topic-specific Spreadsheets associated with individually labeled tabs. Individual sheets include data from Open Data publishers such as NextStrain, Our World In Data, Worldometers, COVID19 Tracking Project, U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) etc. Courtesy of RESTful interaction patterns you can retrieve the content of this spreadsheet in a variety of forms e.g., CSV
Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
A Web of Data comprising Entity Description Documents created using RDF that have been deployed using Linked Data principles. The key defining characteristics of this kind of Web are: 1) every entity (thing) is identified using a hyperlink (specifically, HTTP URI); 2) every entity is described using structured RDF sentence collections where a hyperlink identifies the subject and predicate, while a hyperlink or literal (typed or untyped) identifies the object.
Twitter Pages associated with #COVID19 and #KnowledgeGraph
Index of posts associated with COVID19 and Knowledge Graph that I've published to Twitter.
Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
A Web of Data comprising Entity Description Documents created using RDF that have been deployed using Linked Data principles. The key defining characteristics of this kind of Web are: 1) every entity (thing) is identified using a hyperlink (specifically, HTTP URI); 2) every entity is described using structured RDF sentence collections where a hyperlink identifies the subject and predicate, while a hyperlink or literal (typed or untyped) identifies the object.
The Fight Against COVID19: Unleashing the FORCE of the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Presentation
Presentation about how to maximize the implicit power of the ubquitous LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph by using Open Standards to negate Data Access, Integration, and Interoperability inertia.
Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
A Web of Data comprising Entity Description Documents created using RDF that have been deployed using Linked Data principles. The key defining characteristics of this kind of Web are: 1) every entity (thing) is identified using a hyperlink (specifically, HTTP URI); 2) every entity is described using structured RDF sentence collections where a hyperlink identifies the subject and predicate, while a hyperlink or literal (typed or untyped) identifies the object.
DBpedia-Live Page about Coronavirus Pandemic
Index of posts associated with COVID19 and Knowledge Graph that I've published to Twitter.
Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
A Web of Data comprising Entity Description Documents created using RDF that have been deployed using Linked Data principles. The key defining characteristics of this kind of Web are: 1) every entity (thing) is identified using a hyperlink (specifically, HTTP URI); 2) every entity is described using structured RDF sentence collections where a hyperlink identifies the subject and predicate, while a hyperlink or literal (typed or untyped) identifies the object.
Johns Hopkins Daily COVID19 Report -- 27th March 2020
SPARQL-generated report, presented using a standard HTML Table, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
A Web of Data comprising Entity Description Documents created using RDF that have been deployed using Linked Data principles. The key defining characteristics of this kind of Web are: 1) every entity (thing) is identified using a hyperlink (specifically, HTTP URI); 2) every entity is described using structured RDF sentence collections where a hyperlink identifies the subject and predicate, while a hyperlink or literal (typed or untyped) identifies the object.
SARS-CoV-2 Genome from Uniprot
SPARQL-generated Report about Mapping of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Genome described using RDF sentences by Uniprot
Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
A Web of Data comprising Entity Description Documents created using RDF that have been deployed using Linked Data principles. The key defining characteristics of this kind of Web are: 1) every entity (thing) is identified using a hyperlink (specifically, HTTP URI); 2) every entity is described using structured RDF sentence collections where a hyperlink identifies the subject and predicate, while a hyperlink or literal (typed or untyped) identifies the object.
Diseases and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to MeSH via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
A Web of Data comprising Entity Description Documents created using RDF that have been deployed using Linked Data principles. The key defining characteristics of this kind of Web are: 1) every entity (thing) is identified using a hyperlink (specifically, HTTP URI); 2) every entity is described using structured RDF sentence collections where a hyperlink identifies the subject and predicate, while a hyperlink or literal (typed or untyped) identifies the object.
Diseases and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to NCBI via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
A Web of Data comprising Entity Description Documents created using RDF that have been deployed using Linked Data principles. The key defining characteristics of this kind of Web are: 1) every entity (thing) is identified using a hyperlink (specifically, HTTP URI); 2) every entity is described using structured RDF sentence collections where a hyperlink identifies the subject and predicate, while a hyperlink or literal (typed or untyped) identifies the object.
Top Gene Mutation Instances and Gene Card References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to Gene Card via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
A Web of Data comprising Entity Description Documents created using RDF that have been deployed using Linked Data principles. The key defining characteristics of this kind of Web are: 1) every entity (thing) is identified using a hyperlink (specifically, HTTP URI); 2) every entity is described using structured RDF sentence collections where a hyperlink identifies the subject and predicate, while a hyperlink or literal (typed or untyped) identifies the object.
Hospitals and ICU Capacity by US State and County
SPARQL-generated report about Hospital ICU capacity across the USA by State and County. This is all possible courtesy of Open Data provided by a Kaiser Health News as part of a recent news article about the aforementioned topic.
Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
A Web of Data comprising Entity Description Documents created using RDF that have been deployed using Linked Data principles. The key defining characteristics of this kind of Web are: 1) every entity (thing) is identified using a hyperlink (specifically, HTTP URI); 2) every entity is described using structured RDF sentence collections where a hyperlink identifies the subject and predicate, while a hyperlink or literal (typed or untyped) identifies the object.
Pivot Viewer Report on COVID-19 across USA
SPARQL-generated report, presented using the Virtuoso hosted HTML5-Pivot Viewer, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
A Web of Data comprising Entity Description Documents created using RDF that have been deployed using Linked Data principles. The key defining characteristics of this kind of Web are: 1) every entity (thing) is identified using a hyperlink (specifically, HTTP URI); 2) every entity is described using structured RDF sentence collections where a hyperlink identifies the subject and predicate, while a hyperlink or literal (typed or untyped) identifies the object.
Data Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement
A post about best-practices for rapidly integrating new Open Data associated with the COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 virus into the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph.
Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
A Web of Data comprising Entity Description Documents created using RDF that have been deployed using Linked Data principles. The key defining characteristics of this kind of Web are: 1) every entity (thing) is identified using a hyperlink (specifically, HTTP URI); 2) every entity is described using structured RDF sentence collections where a hyperlink identifies the subject and predicate, while a hyperlink or literal (typed or untyped) identifies the object.
Data-Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement — Beyond Spreadsheets
A post about finalizing infrastructure for progressive updates to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph in regards to COVID-19 that covers negation of issues posed by Google Spreadsheet limitations.
Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud
A Web of Data comprising Entity Description Documents created using RDF that have been deployed using Linked Data principles. The key defining characteristics of this kind of Web are: 1) every entity (thing) is identified using a hyperlink (specifically, HTTP URI); 2) every entity is described using structured RDF sentence collections where a hyperlink identifies the subject and predicate, while a hyperlink or literal (typed or untyped) identifies the object.
COVID-19 Master Google Spreadsheet
Google Master Spreadsheet comprising topic-specific Spreadsheets associated with individually labeled tabs. Individual sheets include data from Open Data publishers such as NextStrain, Our World In Data, Worldometers, COVID19 Tracking Project, U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) etc. Courtesy of RESTful interaction patterns you can retrieve the content of this spreadsheet in a variety of forms e.g., CSV
Knowledge Graph
A collection of Entities, Entity Types, and Entity Relationship Types that manifests as an intelligible Entity Relationship Graph.
Twitter Pages associated with #COVID19 and #KnowledgeGraph
Index of posts associated with COVID19 and Knowledge Graph that I've published to Twitter.
Knowledge Graph
A collection of Entities, Entity Types, and Entity Relationship Types that manifests as an intelligible Entity Relationship Graph.
The Fight Against COVID19: Unleashing the FORCE of the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Presentation
Presentation about how to maximize the implicit power of the ubquitous LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph by using Open Standards to negate Data Access, Integration, and Interoperability inertia.
Knowledge Graph
A collection of Entities, Entity Types, and Entity Relationship Types that manifests as an intelligible Entity Relationship Graph.
DBpedia-Live Page about Coronavirus Pandemic
Index of posts associated with COVID19 and Knowledge Graph that I've published to Twitter.
Knowledge Graph
A collection of Entities, Entity Types, and Entity Relationship Types that manifests as an intelligible Entity Relationship Graph.
Johns Hopkins Daily COVID19 Report -- 27th March 2020
SPARQL-generated report, presented using a standard HTML Table, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
Knowledge Graph
A collection of Entities, Entity Types, and Entity Relationship Types that manifests as an intelligible Entity Relationship Graph.
SARS-CoV-2 Genome from Uniprot
SPARQL-generated Report about Mapping of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Genome described using RDF sentences by Uniprot
Knowledge Graph
A collection of Entities, Entity Types, and Entity Relationship Types that manifests as an intelligible Entity Relationship Graph.
Diseases and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to MeSH via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Knowledge Graph
A collection of Entities, Entity Types, and Entity Relationship Types that manifests as an intelligible Entity Relationship Graph.
Diseases and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to NCBI via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Knowledge Graph
A collection of Entities, Entity Types, and Entity Relationship Types that manifests as an intelligible Entity Relationship Graph.
Top Gene Mutation Instances and Gene Card References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to Gene Card via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Knowledge Graph
A collection of Entities, Entity Types, and Entity Relationship Types that manifests as an intelligible Entity Relationship Graph.
Hospitals and ICU Capacity by US State and County
SPARQL-generated report about Hospital ICU capacity across the USA by State and County. This is all possible courtesy of Open Data provided by a Kaiser Health News as part of a recent news article about the aforementioned topic.
Knowledge Graph
A collection of Entities, Entity Types, and Entity Relationship Types that manifests as an intelligible Entity Relationship Graph.
Pivot Viewer Report on COVID-19 across USA
SPARQL-generated report, presented using the Virtuoso hosted HTML5-Pivot Viewer, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
Knowledge Graph
A collection of Entities, Entity Types, and Entity Relationship Types that manifests as an intelligible Entity Relationship Graph.
Data Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement
A post about best-practices for rapidly integrating new Open Data associated with the COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 virus into the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph.
Knowledge Graph
A collection of Entities, Entity Types, and Entity Relationship Types that manifests as an intelligible Entity Relationship Graph.
Data-Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement — Beyond Spreadsheets
A post about finalizing infrastructure for progressive updates to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph in regards to COVID-19 that covers negation of issues posed by Google Spreadsheet limitations.
Knowledge Graph
A collection of Entities, Entity Types, and Entity Relationship Types that manifests as an intelligible Entity Relationship Graph.
COVID-19 Master Google Spreadsheet
Google Master Spreadsheet comprising topic-specific Spreadsheets associated with individually labeled tabs. Individual sheets include data from Open Data publishers such as NextStrain, Our World In Data, Worldometers, COVID19 Tracking Project, U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) etc. Courtesy of RESTful interaction patterns you can retrieve the content of this spreadsheet in a variety of forms e.g., CSV
SARS-CoV-2 Specimens from Nextstrain with NIH Cross References
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about specimens submitted to @nextstrain that have been cross-referenced with genomic information collated by the U.S National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Twitter Pages associated with #COVID19 and #KnowledgeGraph
Index of posts associated with COVID19 and Knowledge Graph that I've published to Twitter.
SARS-CoV-2 Specimens from Nextstrain with NIH Cross References
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about specimens submitted to @nextstrain that have been cross-referenced with genomic information collated by the U.S National Institutes of Health (NIH).
DBpedia-Live Page about Coronavirus Pandemic
Index of posts associated with COVID19 and Knowledge Graph that I've published to Twitter.
SARS-CoV-2 Specimens from Nextstrain with NIH Cross References
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about specimens submitted to @nextstrain that have been cross-referenced with genomic information collated by the U.S National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Johns Hopkins Daily COVID19 Report -- 27th March 2020
SPARQL-generated report, presented using a standard HTML Table, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
SARS-CoV-2 Specimens from Nextstrain with NIH Cross References
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about specimens submitted to @nextstrain that have been cross-referenced with genomic information collated by the U.S National Institutes of Health (NIH).
SARS-CoV-2 Genome from Uniprot
SPARQL-generated Report about Mapping of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Genome described using RDF sentences by Uniprot
SARS-CoV-2 Specimens from Nextstrain with NIH Cross References
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about specimens submitted to @nextstrain that have been cross-referenced with genomic information collated by the U.S National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Diseases and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to MeSH via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
SARS-CoV-2 Specimens from Nextstrain with NIH Cross References
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about specimens submitted to @nextstrain that have been cross-referenced with genomic information collated by the U.S National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Diseases and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to NCBI via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
SARS-CoV-2 Specimens from Nextstrain with NIH Cross References
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about specimens submitted to @nextstrain that have been cross-referenced with genomic information collated by the U.S National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Top Gene Mutation Instances and Gene Card References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to Gene Card via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
SARS-CoV-2 Specimens from Nextstrain with NIH Cross References
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about specimens submitted to @nextstrain that have been cross-referenced with genomic information collated by the U.S National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Hospitals and ICU Capacity by US State and County
SPARQL-generated report about Hospital ICU capacity across the USA by State and County. This is all possible courtesy of Open Data provided by a Kaiser Health News as part of a recent news article about the aforementioned topic.
SARS-CoV-2 Specimens from Nextstrain with NIH Cross References
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about specimens submitted to @nextstrain that have been cross-referenced with genomic information collated by the U.S National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Pivot Viewer Report on COVID-19 across USA
SPARQL-generated report, presented using the Virtuoso hosted HTML5-Pivot Viewer, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
SARS-CoV-2 Specimens from Nextstrain with NIH Cross References
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about specimens submitted to @nextstrain that have been cross-referenced with genomic information collated by the U.S National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Data Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement
A post about best-practices for rapidly integrating new Open Data associated with the COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 virus into the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph.
SARS-CoV-2 Specimens from Nextstrain with NIH Cross References
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about specimens submitted to @nextstrain that have been cross-referenced with genomic information collated by the U.S National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Data-Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement — Beyond Spreadsheets
A post about finalizing infrastructure for progressive updates to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph in regards to COVID-19 that covers negation of issues posed by Google Spreadsheet limitations.
SARS-CoV-2 Specimens from Nextstrain with NIH Cross References
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about specimens submitted to @nextstrain that have been cross-referenced with genomic information collated by the U.S National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Data Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement
A post about best-practices for rapidly integrating new Open Data associated with the COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 virus into the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph.
Meshing COVID-19 Data across various tracking data sources (Bing, Divoc, Our World In Data)
SPARQL generated page that meshes COVID-19 Data across various tracking data sources and the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph via DBpedia.
Data-Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement — Beyond Spreadsheets
A post about finalizing infrastructure for progressive updates to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph in regards to COVID-19 that covers negation of issues posed by Google Spreadsheet limitations.
Meshing COVID-19 Data across various tracking data sources (Bing, Divoc, Our World In Data)
SPARQL generated page that meshes COVID-19 Data across various tracking data sources and the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph via DBpedia.
Data Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement
A post about best-practices for rapidly integrating new Open Data associated with the COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 virus into the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph.
Meshing COVID-19 Data across Our World In Data, Bing, Divoc, Healthdata, and DBpedia
SPARQL generated page that meshes COVID-19 Data across Our World In Data, Bing, Divoc, Projects, and the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph while also producing an index of Dashboards.
Data-Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement — Beyond Spreadsheets
A post about finalizing infrastructure for progressive updates to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph in regards to COVID-19 that covers negation of issues posed by Google Spreadsheet limitations.
Meshing COVID-19 Data across Our World In Data, Bing, Divoc, Healthdata, and DBpedia
SPARQL generated page that meshes COVID-19 Data across Our World In Data, Bing, Divoc, Projects, and the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph while also producing an index of Dashboards.
Data Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement
A post about best-practices for rapidly integrating new Open Data associated with the COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 virus into the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph.
Meshing COVID-19 Data across Our World In Data, Bing, Divoc, and DBpedia
SPARQL generated page that meshes COVID-19 Data across Our World In Data, Bing, Divoc, and the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph while also producing an index of Dashboards. Links in this variant of the SPARQL Results page resove to a Faceted Browsing interface to exposes the undelying data fusion that's occurred via DBpedia cross references etc.
Data-Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement — Beyond Spreadsheets
A post about finalizing infrastructure for progressive updates to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph in regards to COVID-19 that covers negation of issues posed by Google Spreadsheet limitations.
Meshing COVID-19 Data across Our World In Data, Bing, Divoc, and DBpedia
SPARQL generated page that meshes COVID-19 Data across Our World In Data, Bing, Divoc, and the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph while also producing an index of Dashboards. Links in this variant of the SPARQL Results page resove to a Faceted Browsing interface to exposes the undelying data fusion that's occurred via DBpedia cross references etc.
COVID-19 Master Google Spreadsheet
Google Master Spreadsheet comprising topic-specific Spreadsheets associated with individually labeled tabs. Individual sheets include data from Open Data publishers such as NextStrain, Our World In Data, Worldometers, COVID19 Tracking Project, U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) etc. Courtesy of RESTful interaction patterns you can retrieve the content of this spreadsheet in a variety of forms e.g., CSV
COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format,tracking by States in the USA. This is the result of transforming Open Data (in the form of CSV docs) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
Twitter Pages associated with #COVID19 and #KnowledgeGraph
Index of posts associated with COVID19 and Knowledge Graph that I've published to Twitter.
COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format,tracking by States in the USA. This is the result of transforming Open Data (in the form of CSV docs) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
DBpedia-Live Page about Coronavirus Pandemic
Index of posts associated with COVID19 and Knowledge Graph that I've published to Twitter.
COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format,tracking by States in the USA. This is the result of transforming Open Data (in the form of CSV docs) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
Johns Hopkins Daily COVID19 Report -- 27th March 2020
SPARQL-generated report, presented using a standard HTML Table, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format,tracking by States in the USA. This is the result of transforming Open Data (in the form of CSV docs) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
SARS-CoV-2 Genome from Uniprot
SPARQL-generated Report about Mapping of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Genome described using RDF sentences by Uniprot
COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format,tracking by States in the USA. This is the result of transforming Open Data (in the form of CSV docs) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
Diseases and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to MeSH via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format,tracking by States in the USA. This is the result of transforming Open Data (in the form of CSV docs) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
Diseases and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to NCBI via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format,tracking by States in the USA. This is the result of transforming Open Data (in the form of CSV docs) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
Top Gene Mutation Instances and Gene Card References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to Gene Card via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format,tracking by States in the USA. This is the result of transforming Open Data (in the form of CSV docs) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
Hospitals and ICU Capacity by US State and County
SPARQL-generated report about Hospital ICU capacity across the USA by State and County. This is all possible courtesy of Open Data provided by a Kaiser Health News as part of a recent news article about the aforementioned topic.
COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format,tracking by States in the USA. This is the result of transforming Open Data (in the form of CSV docs) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
Pivot Viewer Report on COVID-19 across USA
SPARQL-generated report, presented using the Virtuoso hosted HTML5-Pivot Viewer, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format,tracking by States in the USA. This is the result of transforming Open Data (in the form of CSV docs) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
Data Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement
A post about best-practices for rapidly integrating new Open Data associated with the COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 virus into the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph.
COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format,tracking by States in the USA. This is the result of transforming Open Data (in the form of CSV docs) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
Data-Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement — Beyond Spreadsheets
A post about finalizing infrastructure for progressive updates to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph in regards to COVID-19 that covers negation of issues posed by Google Spreadsheet limitations.
COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format,tracking by States in the USA. This is the result of transforming Open Data (in the form of CSV docs) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
COVID-19 Master Google Spreadsheet
Google Master Spreadsheet comprising topic-specific Spreadsheets associated with individually labeled tabs. Individual sheets include data from Open Data publishers such as NextStrain, Our World In Data, Worldometers, COVID19 Tracking Project, U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) etc. Courtesy of RESTful interaction patterns you can retrieve the content of this spreadsheet in a variety of forms e.g., CSV
Latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about the latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2. This report uses SPARQL's SAMPLE() function to produce an index for further exploration using the follow-your-nose pattern enabled by deploying RDF sentences using Linked Data principles.
Twitter Pages associated with #COVID19 and #KnowledgeGraph
Index of posts associated with COVID19 and Knowledge Graph that I've published to Twitter.
Latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about the latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2. This report uses SPARQL's SAMPLE() function to produce an index for further exploration using the follow-your-nose pattern enabled by deploying RDF sentences using Linked Data principles.
DBpedia-Live Page about Coronavirus Pandemic
Index of posts associated with COVID19 and Knowledge Graph that I've published to Twitter.
Latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about the latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2. This report uses SPARQL's SAMPLE() function to produce an index for further exploration using the follow-your-nose pattern enabled by deploying RDF sentences using Linked Data principles.
Johns Hopkins Daily COVID19 Report -- 27th March 2020
SPARQL-generated report, presented using a standard HTML Table, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
Latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about the latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2. This report uses SPARQL's SAMPLE() function to produce an index for further exploration using the follow-your-nose pattern enabled by deploying RDF sentences using Linked Data principles.
SARS-CoV-2 Genome from Uniprot
SPARQL-generated Report about Mapping of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Genome described using RDF sentences by Uniprot
Latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about the latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2. This report uses SPARQL's SAMPLE() function to produce an index for further exploration using the follow-your-nose pattern enabled by deploying RDF sentences using Linked Data principles.
Diseases and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to MeSH via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about the latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2. This report uses SPARQL's SAMPLE() function to produce an index for further exploration using the follow-your-nose pattern enabled by deploying RDF sentences using Linked Data principles.
Diseases and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to NCBI via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about the latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2. This report uses SPARQL's SAMPLE() function to produce an index for further exploration using the follow-your-nose pattern enabled by deploying RDF sentences using Linked Data principles.
Top Gene Mutation Instances and Gene Card References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to Gene Card via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about the latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2. This report uses SPARQL's SAMPLE() function to produce an index for further exploration using the follow-your-nose pattern enabled by deploying RDF sentences using Linked Data principles.
Hospitals and ICU Capacity by US State and County
SPARQL-generated report about Hospital ICU capacity across the USA by State and County. This is all possible courtesy of Open Data provided by a Kaiser Health News as part of a recent news article about the aforementioned topic.
Latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about the latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2. This report uses SPARQL's SAMPLE() function to produce an index for further exploration using the follow-your-nose pattern enabled by deploying RDF sentences using Linked Data principles.
Pivot Viewer Report on COVID-19 across USA
SPARQL-generated report, presented using the Virtuoso hosted HTML5-Pivot Viewer, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
Latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about the latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2. This report uses SPARQL's SAMPLE() function to produce an index for further exploration using the follow-your-nose pattern enabled by deploying RDF sentences using Linked Data principles.
Data Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement
A post about best-practices for rapidly integrating new Open Data associated with the COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 virus into the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph.
Latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about the latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2. This report uses SPARQL's SAMPLE() function to produce an index for further exploration using the follow-your-nose pattern enabled by deploying RDF sentences using Linked Data principles.
Data-Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement — Beyond Spreadsheets
A post about finalizing infrastructure for progressive updates to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph in regards to COVID-19 that covers negation of issues posed by Google Spreadsheet limitations.
Latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, about the latest Uniprot Snapshot related to COVID19 and SARS-Cov-2. This report uses SPARQL's SAMPLE() function to produce an index for further exploration using the follow-your-nose pattern enabled by deploying RDF sentences using Linked Data principles.
COVID-19 Master Google Spreadsheet
Google Master Spreadsheet comprising topic-specific Spreadsheets associated with individually labeled tabs. Individual sheets include data from Open Data publishers such as NextStrain, Our World In Data, Worldometers, COVID19 Tracking Project, U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) etc. Courtesy of RESTful interaction patterns you can retrieve the content of this spreadsheet in a variety of forms e.g., CSV
Daily COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering daily tracking of COVID19 disease by States across the USA. This is the result of transforming Google Spreadsheet Data (with CSV format negotiated RESTfully) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
Twitter Pages associated with #COVID19 and #KnowledgeGraph
Index of posts associated with COVID19 and Knowledge Graph that I've published to Twitter.
Daily COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering daily tracking of COVID19 disease by States across the USA. This is the result of transforming Google Spreadsheet Data (with CSV format negotiated RESTfully) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
DBpedia-Live Page about Coronavirus Pandemic
Index of posts associated with COVID19 and Knowledge Graph that I've published to Twitter.
Daily COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering daily tracking of COVID19 disease by States across the USA. This is the result of transforming Google Spreadsheet Data (with CSV format negotiated RESTfully) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
Johns Hopkins Daily COVID19 Report -- 27th March 2020
SPARQL-generated report, presented using a standard HTML Table, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
Daily COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering daily tracking of COVID19 disease by States across the USA. This is the result of transforming Google Spreadsheet Data (with CSV format negotiated RESTfully) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
SARS-CoV-2 Genome from Uniprot
SPARQL-generated Report about Mapping of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Genome described using RDF sentences by Uniprot
Daily COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering daily tracking of COVID19 disease by States across the USA. This is the result of transforming Google Spreadsheet Data (with CSV format negotiated RESTfully) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
Diseases and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to MeSH via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Daily COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering daily tracking of COVID19 disease by States across the USA. This is the result of transforming Google Spreadsheet Data (with CSV format negotiated RESTfully) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
Diseases and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to NCBI via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Daily COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering daily tracking of COVID19 disease by States across the USA. This is the result of transforming Google Spreadsheet Data (with CSV format negotiated RESTfully) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
Top Gene Mutation Instances and Gene Card References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to Gene Card via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Daily COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering daily tracking of COVID19 disease by States across the USA. This is the result of transforming Google Spreadsheet Data (with CSV format negotiated RESTfully) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
Hospitals and ICU Capacity by US State and County
SPARQL-generated report about Hospital ICU capacity across the USA by State and County. This is all possible courtesy of Open Data provided by a Kaiser Health News as part of a recent news article about the aforementioned topic.
Daily COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering daily tracking of COVID19 disease by States across the USA. This is the result of transforming Google Spreadsheet Data (with CSV format negotiated RESTfully) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
Pivot Viewer Report on COVID-19 across USA
SPARQL-generated report, presented using the Virtuoso hosted HTML5-Pivot Viewer, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
Daily COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering daily tracking of COVID19 disease by States across the USA. This is the result of transforming Google Spreadsheet Data (with CSV format negotiated RESTfully) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
Data Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement
A post about best-practices for rapidly integrating new Open Data associated with the COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 virus into the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph.
Daily COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering daily tracking of COVID19 disease by States across the USA. This is the result of transforming Google Spreadsheet Data (with CSV format negotiated RESTfully) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
Data-Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement — Beyond Spreadsheets
A post about finalizing infrastructure for progressive updates to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph in regards to COVID-19 that covers negation of issues posed by Google Spreadsheet limitations.
Daily COVID-19 Disease Tracking by States across the USA
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering daily tracking of COVID19 disease by States across the USA. This is the result of transforming Google Spreadsheet Data (with CSV format negotiated RESTfully) to Linked Data using the Virtuoso Sponger Middleware instance that underlies the URIBurner Service (a dynamic LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph hub).
COVID-19 Master Google Spreadsheet
Google Master Spreadsheet comprising topic-specific Spreadsheets associated with individually labeled tabs. Individual sheets include data from Open Data publishers such as NextStrain, Our World In Data, Worldometers, COVID19 Tracking Project, U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) etc. Courtesy of RESTful interaction patterns you can retrieve the content of this spreadsheet in a variety of forms e.g., CSV
COVID-19 Research Literature from Kaggle Dataset
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering COVID19 disease related literature published as an RDF-NTriples dataset to Kaggle that's been loaded to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph via our LOD Cloud Cache instance.
Twitter Pages associated with #COVID19 and #KnowledgeGraph
Index of posts associated with COVID19 and Knowledge Graph that I've published to Twitter.
COVID-19 Research Literature from Kaggle Dataset
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering COVID19 disease related literature published as an RDF-NTriples dataset to Kaggle that's been loaded to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph via our LOD Cloud Cache instance.
DBpedia-Live Page about Coronavirus Pandemic
Index of posts associated with COVID19 and Knowledge Graph that I've published to Twitter.
COVID-19 Research Literature from Kaggle Dataset
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering COVID19 disease related literature published as an RDF-NTriples dataset to Kaggle that's been loaded to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph via our LOD Cloud Cache instance.
Johns Hopkins Daily COVID19 Report -- 27th March 2020
SPARQL-generated report, presented using a standard HTML Table, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
COVID-19 Research Literature from Kaggle Dataset
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering COVID19 disease related literature published as an RDF-NTriples dataset to Kaggle that's been loaded to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph via our LOD Cloud Cache instance.
SARS-CoV-2 Genome from Uniprot
SPARQL-generated Report about Mapping of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Genome described using RDF sentences by Uniprot
COVID-19 Research Literature from Kaggle Dataset
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering COVID19 disease related literature published as an RDF-NTriples dataset to Kaggle that's been loaded to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph via our LOD Cloud Cache instance.
Diseases and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to MeSH via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
COVID-19 Research Literature from Kaggle Dataset
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering COVID19 disease related literature published as an RDF-NTriples dataset to Kaggle that's been loaded to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph via our LOD Cloud Cache instance.
Diseases and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to NCBI via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
COVID-19 Research Literature from Kaggle Dataset
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering COVID19 disease related literature published as an RDF-NTriples dataset to Kaggle that's been loaded to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph via our LOD Cloud Cache instance.
Top Gene Mutation Instances and Gene Card References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to Gene Card via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
COVID-19 Research Literature from Kaggle Dataset
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering COVID19 disease related literature published as an RDF-NTriples dataset to Kaggle that's been loaded to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph via our LOD Cloud Cache instance.
Hospitals and ICU Capacity by US State and County
SPARQL-generated report about Hospital ICU capacity across the USA by State and County. This is all possible courtesy of Open Data provided by a Kaiser Health News as part of a recent news article about the aforementioned topic.
COVID-19 Research Literature from Kaggle Dataset
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering COVID19 disease related literature published as an RDF-NTriples dataset to Kaggle that's been loaded to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph via our LOD Cloud Cache instance.
Pivot Viewer Report on COVID-19 across USA
SPARQL-generated report, presented using the Virtuoso hosted HTML5-Pivot Viewer, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
COVID-19 Research Literature from Kaggle Dataset
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering COVID19 disease related literature published as an RDF-NTriples dataset to Kaggle that's been loaded to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph via our LOD Cloud Cache instance.
Data Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement
A post about best-practices for rapidly integrating new Open Data associated with the COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 virus into the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph.
COVID-19 Research Literature from Kaggle Dataset
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering COVID19 disease related literature published as an RDF-NTriples dataset to Kaggle that's been loaded to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph via our LOD Cloud Cache instance.
Data-Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement — Beyond Spreadsheets
A post about finalizing infrastructure for progressive updates to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph in regards to COVID-19 that covers negation of issues posed by Google Spreadsheet limitations.
COVID-19 Research Literature from Kaggle Dataset
SPARQL-generated report, in HTML format, covering COVID19 disease related literature published as an RDF-NTriples dataset to Kaggle that's been loaded to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph via our LOD Cloud Cache instance.
Pivot Viewer Report on COVID-19 across USA
SPARQL-generated report, presented using the Virtuoso hosted HTML5-Pivot Viewer, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
Johns Hopkins Daily COVID19 Report -- 27th March 2020
SPARQL-generated report, presented using a standard HTML Table, about the spread of COVID19 across the USA as of the 27th March 2020 -- from the Johns Hopkins Dataset
Diseases and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to MeSH via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
SARS-CoV-2 Genome from Uniprot
SPARQL-generated Report about Mapping of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Genome described using RDF sentences by Uniprot
Diseases and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to NCBI via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
SARS-CoV-2 Genome from Uniprot
SPARQL-generated Report about Mapping of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Genome described using RDF sentences by Uniprot
Top Gene Mutation Instances and Gene Card References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to Gene Card via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
SARS-CoV-2 Genome from Uniprot
SPARQL-generated Report about Mapping of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Genome described using RDF sentences by Uniprot
Hospitals and ICU Capacity by US State and County
SPARQL-generated report about Hospital ICU capacity across the USA by State and County. This is all possible courtesy of Open Data provided by a Kaiser Health News as part of a recent news article about the aforementioned topic.
SARS-CoV-2 Genome from Uniprot
SPARQL-generated Report about Mapping of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Genome described using RDF sentences by Uniprot
Top Gene Mutation Instances and Gene Card References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to Gene Card via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Diseases and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to NCBI via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Hospitals and ICU Capacity by US State and County
SPARQL-generated report about Hospital ICU capacity across the USA by State and County. This is all possible courtesy of Open Data provided by a Kaiser Health News as part of a recent news article about the aforementioned topic.
Diseases and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Cross References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to NCBI via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Hospitals and ICU Capacity by US State and County
SPARQL-generated report about Hospital ICU capacity across the USA by State and County. This is all possible courtesy of Open Data provided by a Kaiser Health News as part of a recent news article about the aforementioned topic.
Top Gene Mutation Instances and Gene Card References
SPARQL-generated report targeting COVID-19 research dataset from Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins University loaded to our LOD Cloud Cache Knowledge Graph. This report also mints cross-refefences to Gene Card via Linked Data URIs created as part of the query definition.
Data Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement
A post about best-practices for rapidly integrating new Open Data associated with the COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 virus into the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph.
Data Wrangling
The act or process of mapping and transforming structured data in one form (or format) to another with the intention of increasing it access and usability.
Data-Wrangling and Progressive LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph Enhancement — Beyond Spreadsheets
A post about finalizing infrastructure for progressive updates to the LOD Cloud Knowledge Graph in regards to COVID-19 that covers negation of issues posed by Google Spreadsheet limitations.
Data Wrangling
The act or process of mapping and transforming structured data in one form (or format) to another with the intention of increasing it access and usability.