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  • %META:TOPICPARENT{name="VOSIndex"}% ---+ Producing RDF dumps from the Virtuoso Triple-/Quad-Store %TOC% ---++What? How to export RDF model data from Virtuoso's Quad Store. ---++Why? Every DBMS needs to offer a mechanism for bulk export and import of data. Virtuoso supports dumping and reloading graph model data (e.g., RDF), as well as relational data (e.g., SQL) (discussed elsewhere). ---++ How? We have created stored procedures for the task. The dump procedures leverage SPARQL to facilitate selective data dump(s) from one or more Named Graphs, each denoted by an IRI. ---+++ Dump One Graph The procedure <b><code><nowiki>dump_one_graph</nowiki></code></b> can be used to dump any single Named Graph. ---++++ Parameters * <code>IN <b>srcgraph</b> VARCHAR</code> -- source graph * <code>IN <b>out_file</b> VARCHAR</code> -- output file * <code>IN <b><nowiki>file_length_limit</nowiki></b> INTEGER</code> -- maximum length of dump files ---++++ Procedure source <verbatim> CREATE PROCEDURE dump_one_graph ( IN srcgraph VARCHAR , IN out_file VARCHAR , IN file_length_limit INTEGER := 1000000000 ) { DECLARE file_name VARCHAR; DECLARE env, ses ANY; DECLARE ses_len, max_ses_len, file_len, file_idx INTEGER; SET ISOLATION = 'uncommitted'; max_ses_len := 10000000; file_len := 0; file_idx := 1; file_name := sprintf ('%s%06d.ttl', out_file, file_idx); string_to_file ( file_name || '.graph', srcgraph, -2 ); string_to_file ( file_name, sprintf ( '# Dump of graph &lt;%s&gt;, as of %s\n', srcgraph, CAST (NOW() AS VARCHAR) ), -2 ); env := vector (dict_new (16000), 0, '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0); ses := string_output (); FOR (SELECT * FROM ( SPARQL DEFINE input:storage "" SELECT ?s ?p ?o { GRAPH `iri(?:srcgraph)` { ?s ?p ?o } } ) AS sub OPTION (LOOP)) DO { http_ttl_triple (env, "s", "p", "o", ses); ses_len := length (ses); IF (ses_len &gt; max_ses_len) { file_len := file_len + ses_len; IF (file_len &gt; file_length_limit) { http (' .\n', ses); string_to_file (file_name, ses, -1); file_len := 0; file_idx := file_idx + 1; file_name := sprintf ('%s%06d.ttl', out_file, file_idx); string_to_file ( file_name, sprintf ( '# Dump of graph &lt;%s&gt;, as of %s (part %d)\n', srcgraph, CAST (NOW() AS VARCHAR), file_idx), -2 ); env := VECTOR (dict_new (16000), 0, '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0); } ELSE string_to_file (file_name, ses, -1); ses := string_output (); } } IF (LENGTH (ses)) { http (' .\n', ses); string_to_file (file_name, ses, -1); } } ; </verbatim> ---++++ Example 1. Call the <code><nowiki><nowiki>dump_one_graph</nowiki></nowiki></code> procedure with appropriate arguments: <verbatim> $ pwd /Applications/OpenLink Virtuoso/Virtuoso 6.1/database $ grep DirsAllowed virtuoso.ini DirsAllowed = ., ../vad, ./dumps $ /opt/virtuoso/bin/isql 1111 Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso Driver: 06.01.3127 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver OpenLink Interactive SQL (Virtuoso), version 0.9849b. Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit. SQL&gt; dump_one_graph ('', './data_', 1000000000); Done. -- 1438 msec. </verbatim> 1. As a result, a dump of the graph &lt;[[][]]&gt; will be found in the files <code>data_XX</code> (located in your Virtuoso db folder): <verbatim> $ ls dumps data_000001.ttl data_000002.ttl .... data_000001.ttl.graph </verbatim> ---+++ Dump Multiple Graphs The <b><code><nowiki>dump_graphs</nowiki></code></b> procedure can be used to dump all the graphs in a Virtuoso server to a set of turtle (<code>.ttl</code>) data files in the specified dump directory. ---++++ Parameters * <code>IN <b>dir</b> VARCHAR</code> -- dump directory. <i><b>Note:</b> The dump directory must be included in the <code><nowiki>DirsAllowed</nowiki></code> parameter of the Virtuoso configuration file (e.g., <code>virtuoso.ini</code>), or the Virtuoso server will not be able to create or access the data files.</i> * <code>IN <b><nowiki>file_length_limit</nowiki></b> INTEGER</code> -- maximum length of dump files ---++++ Procedure source <verbatim> CREATE PROCEDURE dump_graphs ( IN dir VARCHAR := 'dumps' , IN file_length_limit INTEGER := 1000000000 ) { DECLARE inx INT; inx := 1; SET ISOLATION = 'uncommitted'; FOR ( SELECT * FROM ( SPARQL DEFINE input:storage "" SELECT DISTINCT ?g { GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o } . FILTER ( ?g != virtrdf: ) } ) AS sub OPTION ( LOOP )) DO { dump_one_graph ( "g", sprintf ('%s/graph%06d_', dir, inx), file_length_limit ); inx := inx + 1; } } ; </verbatim> ---++++Example 1. Call the <code><nowiki>dump_graphs</nowiki></code> procedure: <verbatim> $ pwd /Applications/OpenLink Virtuoso/Virtuoso 6.1/database $ grep DirsAllowed virtuoso.ini DirsAllowed = ., ../vad, ./dumps $ /opt/virtuoso/bin/isql 1111 Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso Driver: 06.01.3127 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver OpenLink Interactive SQL (Virtuoso), version 0.9849b. Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit. SQL&gt; dump_graphs(); Done. -- 998 msec. SQL&gt; quit; </verbatim> 1. As a result, a dump of the graph &lt;[[][]]&gt; will be found in the files <code>dumps/data_XX</code> (located in your Virtuoso db folder): <verbatim> $ ls dumps graph000001_000001.ttl graph000005_000001.ttl graph000001_000001.ttl.graph graph000005_000001.ttl.graph graph000002_000001.ttl graph000006_000001.ttl graph000002_000001.ttl.graph graph000006_000001.ttl.graph graph000003_000001.ttl graph000007_000001.ttl graph000003_000001.ttl.graph graph000007_000001.ttl.graph graph000004_000001.ttl graph000008_000001.ttl graph000004_000001.ttl.graph graph000008_000001.ttl.graph </verbatim> ---+++ Load Graphs This stored procedure performs a bulk load from a file. ---++++ Parameters * <code>IN <b>dir</b> VARCHAR</code> -- dump directory. <i><b>Note:</b> The dump directory must be included in the <code><nowiki>DirsAllowed</nowiki></code> parameter of the Virtuoso configuration file (e.g., <code>virtuoso.ini</code>), or the Virtuoso server will not be able to create or access the data files.</i> ---++++ Procedure source <verbatim> CREATE PROCEDURE load_graphs ( IN dir VARCHAR := 'dumps/' ) { DECLARE arr ANY; DECLARE g VARCHAR; arr := sys_dirlist (dir, 1); log_enable (2, 1); FOREACH (VARCHAR f IN arr) DO { IF (f LIKE '*.ttl') { DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLSTATE '*' { log_message (sprintf ('Error in %s', f)); }; g := file_to_string (dir || '/' || f || '.graph'); DB.DBA.TTLP_MT (file_open (dir || '/' || f), g, g, 255); } } EXEC ('CHECKPOINT'); } ; </verbatim> ---++++Example <verbatim> $ /opt/virtuoso/bin/isql 1112 Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso Driver: 06.01.3127 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver OpenLink Interactive SQL (Virtuoso), version 0.9849b. Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit. SQL&gt; load_graphs(); Done. -- 2392 msec. SQL&gt; </verbatim> ---++ Related * [[VirtTipsAndTricksGuide][Virtuoso Tips and Tricks Collection]] * [[VirtRDFDumpNQuad][RDF dumps from Virtuoso Quad store hosted data into NQuad dumps]] * [[][Virtuoso Documentation]]
  • %META:TOPICPARENT{name="VOSIndex"}% ---+ Producing RDF dumps from the Virtuoso Triple-/Quad-Store %TOC% ---++What? How to export RDF model data from Virtuoso's Quad Store. ---++Why? Every DBMS needs to offer a mechanism for bulk export and import of data. Virtuoso supports dumping and reloading graph model data (e.g., RDF), as well as relational data (e.g., SQL) (discussed elsewhere). ---++ How? We have created stored procedures for the task. The dump procedures leverage SPARQL to facilitate selective data dump(s) from one or more Named Graphs, each denoted by an IRI. ---+++ Dump One Graph The procedure <b><code><nowiki>dump_one_graph</nowiki></code></b> can be used to dump any single Named Graph. ---++++ Parameters * <code>IN <b>srcgraph</b> VARCHAR</code> -- source graph * <code>IN <b>out_file</b> VARCHAR</code> -- output file * <code>IN <b><nowiki>file_length_limit</nowiki></b> INTEGER</code> -- maximum length of dump files ---++++ Procedure source <verbatim> CREATE PROCEDURE dump_one_graph ( IN srcgraph VARCHAR , IN out_file VARCHAR , IN file_length_limit INTEGER := 1000000000 ) { DECLARE file_name VARCHAR; DECLARE env, ses ANY; DECLARE ses_len, max_ses_len, file_len, file_idx INTEGER; SET ISOLATION = 'uncommitted'; max_ses_len := 10000000; file_len := 0; file_idx := 1; file_name := sprintf ('%s%06d.ttl', out_file, file_idx); string_to_file ( file_name || '.graph', srcgraph, -2 ); string_to_file ( file_name, sprintf ( '# Dump of graph &lt;%s&gt;, as of %s\n', srcgraph, CAST (NOW() AS VARCHAR) ), -2 ); env := vector (dict_new (16000), 0, '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0); ses := string_output (); FOR (SELECT * FROM ( SPARQL DEFINE input:storage "" SELECT ?s ?p ?o { GRAPH `iri(?:srcgraph)` { ?s ?p ?o } } ) AS sub OPTION (LOOP)) DO { http_ttl_triple (env, "s", "p", "o", ses); ses_len := length (ses); IF (ses_len &gt; max_ses_len) { file_len := file_len + ses_len; IF (file_len &gt; file_length_limit) { http (' .\n', ses); string_to_file (file_name, ses, -1); file_len := 0; file_idx := file_idx + 1; file_name := sprintf ('%s%06d.ttl', out_file, file_idx); string_to_file ( file_name, sprintf ( '# Dump of graph &lt;%s&gt;, as of %s (part %d)\n', srcgraph, CAST (NOW() AS VARCHAR), file_idx), -2 ); env := VECTOR (dict_new (16000), 0, '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0); } ELSE string_to_file (file_name, ses, -1); ses := string_output (); } } IF (LENGTH (ses)) { http (' .\n', ses); string_to_file (file_name, ses, -1); } } ; </verbatim> ---++++ Example 1. Call the <code><nowiki><nowiki>dump_one_graph</nowiki></nowiki></code> procedure with appropriate arguments: <verbatim> $ pwd /Applications/OpenLink Virtuoso/Virtuoso 6.1/database $ grep DirsAllowed virtuoso.ini DirsAllowed = ., ../vad, ./dumps $ /opt/virtuoso/bin/isql 1111 Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso Driver: 06.01.3127 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver OpenLink Interactive SQL (Virtuoso), version 0.9849b. Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit. SQL&gt; dump_one_graph ('', './data_', 1000000000); Done. -- 1438 msec. </verbatim> 1. As a result, a dump of the graph &lt;[[][]]&gt; will be found in the files <code>data_XX</code> (located in your Virtuoso db folder): <verbatim> $ ls dumps data_000001.ttl data_000002.ttl .... data_000001.ttl.graph </verbatim> ---+++ Dump Multiple Graphs See the following documentation on [[VirtRDFDumpNQuad][dumping Virtuoso RDF Quad store hosted data into NQuad datasets]]. ---++ Related * [[VirtTipsAndTricksGuide][Virtuoso Tips and Tricks Collection]] * [[VirtRDFDumpNQuad][RDF dumps from Virtuoso Quad store hosted data into NQuad dumps]] * [[][Virtuoso Documentation]]
  • %META:TOPICPARENT{name="VOSIndex"}% ---+ Producing RDF dumps from the Virtuoso Triple-/Quad-Store %TOC% ---++What? How to export RDF model data from Virtuoso's Quad Store. ---++Why? Every DBMS needs to offer a mechanism for bulk export and import of data. Virtuoso supports dumping and reloading graph model data (e.g., RDF), as well as relational data (e.g., SQL) (discussed elsewhere). ---++ How? We have created stored procedures for the task. The dump procedures leverage SPARQL to facilitate selective data dump(s) from one or more Named Graphs, each denoted by an IRI. ---+++ Dump One Graph The procedure <b><code><nowiki>dump_one_graph</nowiki></code></b> can be used to dump any single Named Graph. ---++++ Parameters * <code>IN <b>srcgraph</b> VARCHAR</code> -- source graph * <code>IN <b>out_file</b> VARCHAR</code> -- output file * <code>IN <b><nowiki>file_length_limit</nowiki></b> INTEGER</code> -- maximum length of dump files ---++++ Procedure source <verbatim> CREATE PROCEDURE dump_one_graph ( IN srcgraph VARCHAR , IN out_file VARCHAR , IN file_length_limit INTEGER := 1000000000 ) { DECLARE file_name VARCHAR; DECLARE env, ses ANY; DECLARE ses_len, max_ses_len, file_len, file_idx INTEGER; SET ISOLATION = 'uncommitted'; max_ses_len := 10000000; file_len := 0; file_idx := 1; file_name := sprintf ('%s%06d.ttl', out_file, file_idx); string_to_file ( file_name || '.graph', srcgraph, -2 ); string_to_file ( file_name, sprintf ( '# Dump of graph <%s>, as of %s\n@base <> .\n', srcgraph, CAST (NOW() AS VARCHAR) ), -2 ); env := vector (dict_new (16000), 0, '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); ses := string_output (); FOR (SELECT * FROM ( SPARQL DEFINE input:storage "" SELECT ?s ?p ?o { GRAPH `iri(?:srcgraph)` { ?s ?p ?o } } ) AS sub OPTION (LOOP)) DO { http_ttl_triple (env, "s", "p", "o", ses); ses_len := length (ses); IF (ses_len > max_ses_len) { file_len := file_len + ses_len; IF (file_len > file_length_limit) { http (' .\n', ses); string_to_file (file_name, ses, -1); gz_compress_file (file_name, file_name||'.gz'); file_delete (file_name); file_len := 0; file_idx := file_idx + 1; file_name := sprintf ('%s%06d.ttl', out_file, file_idx); string_to_file ( file_name, sprintf ( '# Dump of graph <%s>, as of %s (part %d)\n@base <> .\n', srcgraph, CAST (NOW() AS VARCHAR), file_idx), -2 ); env := VECTOR (dict_new (16000), 0, '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } ELSE string_to_file (file_name, ses, -1); ses := string_output (); } } IF (LENGTH (ses)) { http (' .\n', ses); string_to_file (file_name, ses, -1); gz_compress_file (file_name, file_name||'.gz'); file_delete (file_name); } } ; </verbatim> ---++++ Example 1. Call the <code><nowiki><nowiki>dump_one_graph</nowiki></nowiki></code> procedure with appropriate arguments: <verbatim> $ pwd /Applications/OpenLink Virtuoso/Virtuoso 6.1/database $ grep DirsAllowed virtuoso.ini DirsAllowed = ., ../vad, $ /opt/virtuoso/bin/isql 1111 Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso Driver: 06.01.3127 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver OpenLink Interactive SQL (Virtuoso), version 0.9849b. Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit. SQL&gt; dump_one_graph ('', './data_', 1000000000); Done. -- 1438 msec. </verbatim> 1. As a result, a dump of the graph &lt;[[][]]&gt; will be found in the files <code>data_XX</code> (located in your Virtuoso db folder): <verbatim> $ ls data_000001.ttl data_000002.ttl .... data_000001.ttl.graph </verbatim> ---+++ Dump Multiple Graphs See the following documentation on [[VirtRDFDumpNQuad][dumping Virtuoso RDF Quad store hosted data into NQuad datasets]]. ---++ Related * [[VirtTipsAndTricksGuide][Virtuoso Tips and Tricks Collection]] * [[VirtRDFDumpNQuad][RDF dumps from Virtuoso Quad store hosted data into NQuad dumps]] * [[][Virtuoso Documentation]]
  • %META:TOPICPARENT{name="VOSIndex"}% ---+ Producing RDF dumps from the Virtuoso Triple-/Quad-Store %TOC% ---++What? How to export RDF model data from Virtuoso's Quad Store. ---++Why? Every DBMS needs to offer a mechanism for bulk export and import of data. Virtuoso supports dumping and reloading graph model data (e.g., RDF), as well as relational data (e.g., SQL) (discussed elsewhere). ---++ How? We have created stored procedures for the task. The dump procedures leverage SPARQL to facilitate selective data dump(s) from one or more Named Graphs, each denoted by an IRI. ---+++ Dump One Graph The procedure <b><code><nowiki>dump_one_graph</nowiki></code></b> can be used to dump any single Named Graph. ---++++ Parameters * <code>IN <b>srcgraph</b> VARCHAR</code> -- source graph * <code>IN <b>out_file</b> VARCHAR</code> -- output file * <code>IN <b><nowiki>file_length_limit</nowiki></b> INTEGER</code> -- maximum length of dump files ---++++ Procedure source <verbatim> CREATE PROCEDURE dump_one_graph ( IN srcgraph VARCHAR , IN out_file VARCHAR , IN file_length_limit INTEGER := 1000000000 ) { DECLARE file_name VARCHAR ; DECLARE env , ses ANY ; DECLARE ses_len , max_ses_len , file_len , file_idx INTEGER ; SET ISOLATION = 'uncommitted' ; max_ses_len := 10000000 ; file_len := 0 ; file_idx := 1 ; file_name := sprintf ('%s%06d.ttl', out_file, file_idx) ; string_to_file ( file_name || '.graph', srcgraph, -2 ); string_to_file ( file_name, sprintf ( '# Dump of graph <%s>, as of %s\n@base <> .\n', srcgraph, CAST (NOW() AS VARCHAR) ), -2 ) ; env := vector (dict_new (16000), 0, '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; ses := string_output () ; FOR (SELECT * FROM ( SPARQL DEFINE input:storage "" SELECT ?s ?p ?o { GRAPH `iri(?:srcgraph)` { ?s ?p ?o } } ) AS sub OPTION (LOOP)) DO { http_ttl_triple (env, "s", "p", "o", ses); ses_len := length (ses); IF (ses_len > max_ses_len) { file_len := file_len + ses_len; IF (file_len > file_length_limit) { http (' .\n', ses); string_to_file (file_name, ses, -1); gz_compress_file (file_name, file_name||'.gz'); file_delete (file_name); file_len := 0; file_idx := file_idx + 1; file_name := sprintf ('%s%06d.ttl', out_file, file_idx); string_to_file ( file_name, sprintf ( '# Dump of graph <%s>, as of %s (part %d)\n@base <> .\n', srcgraph, CAST (NOW() AS VARCHAR), file_idx), -2 ); env := VECTOR (dict_new (16000), 0, '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } ELSE string_to_file (file_name, ses, -1); ses := string_output (); } } IF (LENGTH (ses)) { http (' .\n', ses); string_to_file (file_name, ses, -1); gz_compress_file (file_name, file_name||'.gz'); file_delete (file_name); } } ; </verbatim> To load the procedure into Virtuoso, it can simply be copied and pasted into the Virtuoso "isql" command line tool or Interactive SQL UI of the Conductor and execute. ---++++ Example 1. Call the <code><nowiki><nowiki>dump_one_graph</nowiki></nowiki></code> procedure with appropriate arguments: <verbatim> $ pwd /Applications/OpenLink Virtuoso/Virtuoso 6.1/database $ grep DirsAllowed virtuoso.ini DirsAllowed = ., ../vad, $ /opt/virtuoso/bin/isql 1111 Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso Driver: 06.01.3127 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver OpenLink Interactive SQL (Virtuoso), version 0.9849b. Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit. SQL&gt; dump_one_graph ('', './data_', 1000000000); Done. -- 1438 msec. </verbatim> 1. As a result, a dump of the graph &lt;[[][]]&gt; will be found in the files <code>data_XX</code> (located in your Virtuoso db folder): <verbatim> $ ls data_000001.ttl data_000002.ttl .... data_000001.ttl.graph </verbatim> ---+++ Dump Multiple Graphs See the following documentation on [[VirtRDFDumpNQuad][dumping Virtuoso RDF Quad store hosted data into NQuad datasets]]. ---++ Related * [[VirtTipsAndTricksGuide][Virtuoso Tips and Tricks Collection]] * [[VirtRDFDumpNQuad][RDF dumps from Virtuoso Quad store hosted data into NQuad dumps]] * [[][Virtuoso Documentation]]
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